From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Welcome back to the school year and a big welcome to our new staff, students and families. The school year is off and running. It was a great start to the year with our Grade 1-6 students commencing their school term yesterday on Thursday 30th January. Our Prep students commence their first day on Tuesday 4th Feb and we look forward to our 90 Preps starting their educational journey with us.


We also welcome a number of new families and students into the school with the current enrolment of the school at 625 students in 29 classrooms. Our classes have settled in really smoothly and are enjoying being back into a routine and catching up with friends.  


Staffing welcomes and farewells 


New staff – warm welcome to:

Ms Bella Huggins – Grade Prep D

Mrs Allyssa Quick – Grade 1D

Mrs Danni Stephens - 2A sharing the classroom with Mrs Pitts 

Ms Claire Johnston - 4C sharing the classroom with Mrs Watson

Mr Teilo Bentley - Educational support 


We also have Ms Abby Simpson who has been an ES for many years at our school beginning her teaching career in 4D and Mr Caine Edwards also stepping into a teaching role this year.


We also welcome back Mrs Bek Dawson to the Wellbeing space and also Mrs Ruddick to assist in the garden while Ms Golding is on leave.  


Congratulations to Meg Sampson who was married in the latter part of the school holidays and returns to school as Mrs Meg Redden. Also congratulations to Audrey Turnbull who was married during the holiday break and will return to school as Mrs Audrey Amalfi.


Laura Wallis has also taken leave from the school from Monday - Thursday to take on a role at Catholic Care for Term 1 and Term 2.  She will remain in her role on Fridays and continue the work with key students she has been working with from 2024.


As a result of this development with Laura, Josh Lee moves into the Student Wellbeing officer role 5 days a week.


We are fortunate to have recruited some talented and eager staff to build into what is already a fantastic school staff.



School Update:  

During the holidays there were a number of tasks completed:

  • Mulching was added to the key playground areas of the school 
  • New carpet and paint added to 2A (old 6A) classroom 
  • Wellbeing space was completed with three effective office areas created (DIP Co-ordinator office (Ms Audrey Amalfi), Student Wellbeing Office (Mr Josh Lee), Wellbeing Co-ordinator office (Mrs Bek Dawson) & Student Wellbeing Office (Ms Laura Wallis)
  • The back entry from the new Grade 5-6 toilets was spruced up as per the photos below 


Wellbeing space


School updates 


The toilet areas have changed thanks to the addition of new toilets in the Grade 5-6 area.  The toilets are allocated in the following way: 



DECK TOILETS - Grade P-2 students are to utilise these toilets

STADIUM TOILETS - Grade 3-4 students to utilise these toilets

GRADE 5-6 TOILETS - Grade 5-6 students to utilise these toilets



INDOOR JUNIOR TOILETS - Grade Prep-1a & 1b students are to utilise these toilets

DECK TOILETS (INDOOR & EXTERNAL - 1c & 1d, 2, 3-4 students are to utilise these 

GRADE 5-6 TOILETS - Grade 5-6 students to utilise these toilets


School Wide Positive Behaviour:  

You will hear more about our roll out of the School Wide Behaviour Framework that staff and students will be embracing for 2025.  Below are some pictures of some of the signs you will see that have appeared around the school.  You will hear more from the School Wide Positive Behaviour team.


School Update: Open House in classrooms - Tuesday 18th February 

On Tuesday 18th February we will be holding our Open House which is an opportunity for you and your child to visit the classroom, visit the specialist areas and see the teacher and physical spaces.  This approach is less formal and flexible and an opportunity for you to come at anytime between 4.00pm and 5.30pm to visit the classrooms.  If there is specific information regarding your child that you feel the teacher may need to know, another meeting time might be best.  



We pride ourselves on our high level of attendance at school. Remember “it’s not okay to be away”, every minute of learning counts and if your child is absent from school for no reason they are at risk of missing valuable learning. If your child is sick and is absent from school please send a note to the class teacher explaining the absence or ring the office.


School Assembly 

Our first school assembly will occur next Friday 7th February at 2.30pm in the stadium.  


Grade 4 School swimming 

Our swimming sessions for Grade 4 commence on Monday 10th February and will provide 5 sessions for the week.  Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.


Grade 2 School swimming 

Our swimming sessions for Grade 2 commence on Monday 3rd March and will provide 5 sessions for the week.  Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.


Grade 6 Camp

Our Grade 6 Camp will begin on the 5th March for two nights and three days.  It is always a busy three days for our students and teachers but a great way to make new friends and learn about the significant sights of Melbourne.


Grade 5 & 6 School swimming 

Our swimming sessions commence on Tuesday 11th March (Grade 5) and Thursday 13th March (Grade 6) and will provide 2 sessions in each grade level.   Notes will be given out to the students regarding more specific information.


House Athletic Sports: 

Friday 28th Feb is our House Athletic Sports Day for students in Grade 3-6. This will occur on the school oval and is a fun day for students. Parents are welcome and a schedule will be sent out in coming weeks. 


Other important dates:

Breakfast club starts next week and is on Wednesday to Friday commencing at 8.10am.


Have a great week – Scott, Marnie, Stephanie and Michael