Xuno and SeeSaw Information

In 2025, Jackson School will continue to use Xuno and SeeSaw to aid communication between Jackson School and our families.



Xuno is our school-wide student management system, which offers the following features to our families:

Two-way SMS between Jackson School and you

Whole School Calendar

Your child’s Semester Report and ILPs are available for you to download 

News Events and Newsletters to view and download

Your child’s attendance records and the ability to approve any unexplained absences

Payment facility to allow parents/carers to pay for payment charges and any camps

Facility to sign excursion and camp permission forms electronically

Book SSG Meeting Times

To access Xuno, please navigate to https://jacksons.xuno.com.au 


A welcome email has been sent to your registered email address with your username and password to all new families and existing families who have not logged on to Xuno prior to September 2023. This email was sent on the 27th of January 2025.


If you have not received this email, please contact us at (03) 9366 4322 or send us an email at jackson.sch@education.vic.gov.au.



The Xuno Family App is now available on the Apple App Store® and Google Play Store®. We strongly recommend all families download and install the app on either their mobile or tablet device. 


To log in/register, select Jackson School from the school list and for the username and password, please use the login details from your welcome email. You can also log in using your Google (Gmail) or Microsoft (Hotmail, Outlook, Skype, Xbox) accounts.


In September 2023, Xuno was migrated to a cloud-hosted version. As part of the migration, all users had to sign out and sign back into the Xuno Family App for continued access.


Please refer to this quick reference guide to assist you with this process




Xuno QuickStart User Guides


SeeSaw is our school-wide student digital portfolio system, which enables parents to log in and view their child’s work which they have worked on during the school day and leave comments and encouragements.


SeeSaw works on any device which has access to the internet and has apps available on the Apple App Store® and Google Play Store®   


Information will be sent home with your child when school resumes in 2025, with instructions on how to register and log in to SeeSaw.


To develop a strong home-school partnership, Parents/Carers main point of contact for school communication should be your child's classroom teacher. This can be done through SeeSaw, by phone (leave a message at the school office), or by appointment (SSGs can be booked through the school office). 


The whole school's communication will continue to be sent out through Xuno email and SMS notifications.