
We’re starting the year off encouraging good habits for Sustainability, including the following initiatives: 

  1. 2T’s Wrapper Free – bring wrapper free lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our Sustainability Captains from Year 6 will be promoting and reminding students about this initiative at future Assemblies. 
  2. Lights Off Lunchtime – we introduced this initiative in 2023 to turn classrooms lights off for the hour during lunchtime every Wednesday. This worked very well and noticed that it gave quite a calming effect as the children enjoyed their lunch and of course, saved energy. 
  3. Sustainability Monitors in each classroom who will help remind teachers about initiatives such as Lights off Lunchtime, and any other initiatives we may introduce throughout the year. 
  4. House Points will be allocated by staff on yard duty who see children picking up rubbish and putting it in bins, recognising our School Values of Kindness or Respect for our environment, and helping keep our beautiful school grounds clean and tidy. 

We also look forward to updating the EHPS community about the exciting Microforest project that is underway.


I look forward to sharing information about new initiatives as the term progresses.


Yogi Patel

Summer Care Crew

Thank you to the lovely families who took time to care for our Sustainability Hub (orchard and raised veggie beds) and chickens (Almond and Midnight) over the Summer break. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. 

Bin Roster

Schools Clean Up Day

Welcome to our annual Clean Up Australia Day event.

Each year we promote the Australia wide event to foster respect and action to improve our natural environment, by hosting the Schools Clean Up Day (SCUD) at school on the Friday before the national event on Sunday. This year SCUD will be held on Friday 28 March. 


Classes at EHPS will have a “backyard” assigned to them and are encouraged to nuture the area throughout the year. We begin with cleaning the school and examining the types of litter we find in and around our school grounds.


Your local council will have an event, or join in with another group. CLICK HERE for details of a Clean Up Australian Day event happening in the City of Monash that you can participate in.

Take care,

Marita Steward