
SOTW, Fire Education and Gateways

Student of the Week Awards - Week 9

Student of the Week Awards - Week 10

FME - Amaya J & Camila P-C

FA - Oscar M-E

1/2S - Baxter H & Sunday T

1/2T - Ayse S & Kosti Y

3/4L - Harper G

3/4J - Arlo L, Vivian MO

3/4S - Aires K

5/6K - Vito P

Happy Birthday for Week 10 to...

Poppy W, Heyshan B, Narmandakh J, Catherine Z, Basil S-A, Astrid S-A and Edin A!!!

Foundation Fire Ed

In Foundation this week, we had our first Fire Education session with Fireman Pierre and Fireman Ben from the Carlton Fire Station. We learned about 'good fires' and 'bad fires' and about how important it is to talk about safe meeting spots with our families. We can't wait to have a look at the fire truck next week!

Maths and Science by GATEWays

On Friday 6 December, approximately 38 Year 1-4 CNPS students took part in a Maths and Science teacher-nominated program run by GATEWays. The students were all fully engaged in the presented activities which included:

  • Examining number systems - with the assistance of Alice in Wonderland! – to count one-toed, two-toed and three-toed type toads
  • Plotting paths from one to two to three tum trees!
  • Equating the real world to Lego mini figures to create a Mini-Fig census and grappling with moral dilemmas which arise from this data
  • Exploring haematology and the life-saving properties of a blood donation
  • Investigating (fake) blood samples to determine a much-needed match 

The rooms were abuzz during the sessions. We look forward to running more of these sessions in the future.

Grade 5/6 Learning

Busy times in 5/6 in the second last week of school. We are currently working on group projects for Inquiry. We have chosen a country in Asia or North America and are creating a BTN style video informing the audience about the culture and geography.

Yoga in the Library