Message from the Principal Team

Week 10 Term 4 2024
Dear CNPS Families,
This will be the final edition of the CNPS newsletter for 2024. Thank you to all community members who have contributed to the newsletter this year. I would like to thank the community for your gracious support and warm wishes regarding my provisional appointment as Principal of Carlton North Primary School. Following the conclusion of the provisional period (17 December 2024), I will write to the community outlining my vision for our school.
CNPS Staff – Thank You
What a team we have at CNPS. I would like to thank the entire education support and teaching staff for all their hard work throughout 2024. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you all this term. I would like to acknowledge the School Improvement Team (Erin, Jane, Billy, Kara, Brendan, Kathleen, Olivia and Millie) for your leadership throughout this year. To the senior leadership team, Jane, Erin, Billy and Trish, thank you for your support throughout Term 4.
As we close out another school year, it often means we say goodbye to some staff members who will not be at CNPS in 2025. On behalf of Carlton North Primary School can I please thank Ben, Billy, Kathleen, Susie, Abigail and Emily for your dedication, passion and enthusiasm for the students, your colleagues and the CNPS community. We will miss you and wish you all the very best for 2025 and beyond.
Parent/Carers – 2024 Helpers Thank You Morning Tea
On Tuesday 10 December 2024, CNPS hosted parents/carers who have volunteered their time to help at CNPS during 2024. The morning tea was held in the Library, it was a lovely opportunity for the CNPS staff to connect with parents/carers and acknowledge their support throughout this year. On behalf of the students and staff at CNPS, we thank all volunteers who have supported our school throughout the year.
Last Day of Term 4 2024 / End of Year Assembly
Friday 20 December 2024 is the final day of school for the year. The day will commence with the end of year assembly at 9am. The assembly will be an opportunity to again acknowledge and farewell our Year 6 students, alongside recognising CNPS staff members who are leaving the school at the end of the year. The school day concludes at 1.30pm. If families are seeking care for their child/ren on the final day of school or during the Summer holidays, please visit the TeamKids website for CNPS Carlton North Primary | TeamKids for more information.
Big Bike Ride
On Wednesday 11 December 2024 the rescheduled Big Bike Ride took place for students in Year 5/6. Across Term 4, students worked with Chris and classroom teachers, learning new bike riding and safety skills. It was wonderful to hear from our Year 5/6 students about their ‘big bike ride’ and the adventures they had. Thank you to Chris, CNPS teachers and parents/carers who supported this event.
New Year of Learning
The Department of Education have created a New year of learning webpage to help families, and students of all year levels, prepare for a new year of learning in 2025.
The webpage includes:
- tips to help transition from early childhood education to Prep, and primary to secondary school
- what to expect at school
- where to find help with school costs and fees
- health and wellbeing guidance to support children’s mental health
- learning and disability supports
We will add more resources and information, case studies and videos to the webpage throughout 2025.
A new year of learning |
Happy Holidays
As this is the final newsletter for 2024, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all families at CNPS a very happy summer holiday period. I hope throughout the long break all students, staff and community members get to spend some time with their loved ones and take time to stop, relax and reflect on what has been a productive and happy year of learning.
Please reach out to Jane, Erin or I should you have any questions or require support.
Warm Regards,
Matthew Ferguson
Acting Principal