School Sport

AFL Clinics
The AFL are holding a 5 week clinic on the oval behind school this term. If you are intersted please follow the instructions in the leaflet below.
Resurreciton Sports shirts
If anyone has any of the Resurrection sports shirts - please return them to the school office as soon as possible.
Y5/6 Inter School Sport
This year Grade 5 and 6 will be taking part in the Inter school sport competition. This will take place every Thursday morning in Term 1 and 2. Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform every Thursday to be ready to play. When there is no game there will be practice at school. Here are the term 1 fixtures with Finals on the 24th April:
Play Club
Play Club will be running again at Resurrection this year, but we are in desperate need of more materials and equipment for the children to play with. In Play and build club we see lots of children in Prep, Years 1 and 2 come to use the natural and loose play equipment we have on offer. Our Mud kitchens are getting quite run down now as we have nowhere to protect them from the weather. If you know of anything that will help with this, or have any more we can use, please let us know.
Play Club is a place where children can build, imagine and PLAY. There are no instructions or teaching going on and no rules (accept for our RESKEYS of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience). It is a place for the children to create, build, play imaginatively and just be themselves! Studies have shown that play builds key aspects of children's brain development as well as being a healthy lifestyle activity, it also grows confidence in young people as well as helps connects individuals and communities.
If you have any great equipment which can be used for the children to play with at our club please bring it in to reception. Below is a list of recommended items (please, nothing that can break easily):
Planks of wood
Sturdy crates
Stainless steal pots, pans and utensils
Plastic cups, bowls, plates and utensils
Ground sheets
Thick pipes
Unbroken pipes
Buckets and spades
Baking trays
Kitchen untensils
Thank you