Important notices

Big Science Competition

The Big Science Competition is a 50-minute, multiple choice online competition testing science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable… and interesting!

  • Challenge students from Years 7 to 10.
  • Track their performance against state and national averages.
  • Questions are aligned with the Australian Curriculum – Science.
  • Four paper levels which correspond to each year level.
  • Australian schools and students can win great prizes!

The Big Science Competition costs $7.70 per student.

Students receive a certificate indicating their performance and schools will receive comprehensive reporting on student results compared to class, school and national averages.


Sitting the Big Science Competition could lead to selection in our science extension programs including the Junior Science Olympiad Training Squad and Curious Minds – girls in STEM.


Registrations close Monday 29th April 2024 5pm. Please see Miss O’Brien if you are interested.



Working Bee


The scheduled working bee for Sunday 21st of April has been postponed until further notice.  This is due to school councillors' unavailability (both staff and parents) for this date.  The new date when confirmed will be communicated to parents via Xuno.



2024 Parent Teacher Interviews


Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 22nd of April.  Interviews will need to be booked on Xuno.  The link for Xuno can be found on the school web page -  


Interviews will run from 3.00pm - 7.00 pm and all interview time slots are 10 mins in length. Students will be dismissed from school at the end of Period 6 (2.45 pm).  Bus travellers will remain at school until the end of the day, however if intending on leaving at the end of period 6 will need to bring a note.


Interview session booking will close at 4.00 pm on Friday 19th of April.