Principal's Blog

2nd May, 2024

Good Afternoon Parents Students, Staff and Friends of Derinya,  


On Monday I had the pleasure of joining our Year 5 students at Phillip Island Adventure Camp. It was our first experience at this camp and it was nothing but spectacular. The facilities were stunning, the activities were challenging and enjoyable, catering delicious and lots of fun all round. The children were outstanding, engaging in all the challenges, showing superb friendship and beautiful manners. Many thanks goes to the Year 5 teachers, Acey our student teacher, Kim, Tina and our parent volunteers. 



Last Friday our school paid tribute to the heroes of ANZAC Day at our assembly. It was a moment of reflection and we were greeted by a wonderful class item from 1CE and 1AD. Many thanks to Mr Kevin Hillier from the Frankston RSL who came along to speak to the children about the importance of ANZAC Day and paying our respects. Thank you also goes to our school captains who accompanied me to Beauty Park attending the ANZAC service for schools. 


Grade 3 Star Lab Incursion

Our Grade 3 students had the incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of the universe first hand with the Starlab Incursion this week. Thank you to the Grade 3 team for organising this opportunity for the students.


2025 Foundation Tour

We welcomed prospective families on our first Foundation tour for 2025 this week. It was a pleasure to showcase our school, our strong community connections, share the excellent opportunities we offer students and see all students working diligently in their classrooms. If you have a child you wish to enrol for 2025, please see the office for enrolment forms.


Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend ahead.

Nadine Pye, Cory Stevens on behalf of the Derinya Team