Principal's Report

With five weeks to go before the end of semester one of our foundation year, I am constantly impressed with the achievements of our students and staff. Our Year 7 students were able to spend a positive and successful day together at Camp Dewar; Year 10 students have competed in Interschool sport - Football, about to go out on soccer competitions and participate in their first Year 10 exams. We have had our Year 10 Sports elective students begin to visit our Everton campus to 'train and coach' our Year 7 Physical Education classes. Both year levels have attended an incursion presentations from Victorian Police pitched at age appropriate subjects. 


As you read through this newsletter it is clear that our students are being provided with strong educational opportunities. It was with great pride that I spoke at the Year 7 2025 Information evening as our Year 7 Leaders and key Everton staff led tours around the campus; explained our curriculum and our expectations. It was a wonderful turn out and we look forward to the enrolment of these families for 2025.


As part of building a College culture of high expectations and respect it is important for us as a community to showcase our school. Recently, we hosted the Wyndham Principals Network Breakfast meeting and Network Executive meeting at the Morris Campus and this week will be hosting a range of educators attending a Professional Learning on "Improving School Attendance" at the Everton campus. We will continue to open our facilities to our education network as we plan for the future of hiring some of our facilities to the community.


Preparing for 2025 - Senior School Information Evening

I encourage all our Year 10 families and students to attend this very important information evening. Our Senior school team, led by Assistant Principal - Aaron Dass will explain the VCE/VPC and VET pathways available to our Year 10 student for 2025. Following on from this evening all Year 10 students will begin course counselling and planning for their 2025 individual studies. Tertiary university pathways along with work related/apprenticeship pathways will be discussed.


Building School Pride - Wearing the School Uniform


The College has a very versatile school uniform which many students wear with pride. We still have some students who persist on wearing hoodies to school; or believe it is acceptable to enter or leave the school ground without their school shirt on and then dressing at the lockers. This is not acceptable. Our Student Dress Code Policy states very clearly 


While at school, travelling to or from school or participating in school activities, Bemin Secondary College students must comply with the following:

  • Uniforms must be clean and in good repair
  • Uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s name
  • Shirts are designed to be either tucked in or worn out
  • Additional layers of clothing may be worn underneath the uniform for added warmth, provided these undergarments are completely hidden.

Please support building our school culture by checking what your child is wearing to school. Some students claim they are cold - there is no reason to be cold - students are able to wear the College vest, school jumper and jacket along with a plain unseen t-shirt under their school shirt or PE uniform. The students who often claim they are cold are wearing only the PE sports top which should only be worn during PE. A beenie and possible school scarf will also be added to the approved uniform.


If you need any support with uniform please reach out to us by calling reception. We will help you and your family.


School Buses 

There have been some teething problems with the arrival and departure times of the school buses. We are hopeful that after receiving our written letters, taking our phones and support from our Local Member of Parliament - Sarah Connolly, we will continue to see an improvement to the services. I thank the parents who were also able to raise concerns and I encourage you to keep letting us know at school if you have any concerns so I can raise these matters with the appropriate parties.



Staff Wellbeing & Recognition


On Thursday 16 May we recognised and celebrated our Education Support staff. Our schools could not run without this talented group of people. They make up a third of our total staff and although some of them you will get to know as they support your children in the classroom or they work from reception there are others who working at supporting our teaching staff so they can deliver the curriculum. We say a big THANK YOU:


Happy Education Support Staff Day

Without our education support staff

We would not get very far

They help with students, families and teachers

Making sure that we can do all our tasks within reach

They answer, explain, plan, order, fix, collect

Email, budget, make SSGs, clean and log what’s wrecked

We celebrate their patience and consideration

By sharing our elation with each and all on Happy ES day!



Staff Professional Learning & Wellbeing


Schools are large organisations and as the Principal I have a responsibility towards our students and also the staff.  Throughout the year, the College staff have a very organised after school meeting schedule. We focus on collaboratively planning; assessment & reporting; inclusive education; data analysis, action research cycles, School Wide Positive Behaviour framewoand school improvement. We acknowledge the importance of staff wellbeing by taking the time out to enjoy some afterschool activities which help us to build relational trust and professional connections with each other. We are fortunate to have some very talented people on staff!

Joanne Camozzato

College Principal