Interschool Sport

Term 2 has been a busy term for Interschool Sports with our inaugural Year 7 Boys and Girls Netball teams and Year 10 Boys AFL and Rugby teams proudly representing Bemin Secondary College. 


Competing in Interschool Sport events is a privilege for our students with selections not only based on sporting skills but also how well they demonstrate our school values in and outside of the classroom. It is also a chance for students to build upon their leadership and teamwork skills as well as helping to boost their confidence. We have been so impressed with the flexibility, commitment and resilience our students have show in training and on the field. 

In the coming weeks we have year 7 Soccer and badminton and year 10 soccer and badminton to finish off the term. Also this term we will be running tryouts for basketball and table tennis which are coming up early in term 3. 


We would also like to take the opportunity to thank the staff members who have volunteered their time to assist with tryouts and training. Thank you to Will Cooper for coaching the AFL team, Shadmaan Barakat for coaching all of the Soccer teams and the Rugby 9s team; Siobhan Noble and Darren Cutting for coaching the Badminton teams. 


We are looking forward to another exciting term of Interschool Sports in Term 3.