Tuckshop News 

We are always looking for new volunteers! If you love to laugh and chat with other Tally school community members over a coffee and muffin, we have the place right here!!


Do you have 15-30 mins to spare in the mornings or afternoon? We appreciate any helpers to wrap our freshly made muffins, chop up watermelon or refill the drinks!

If this sounds like fun, then jump on Qkr and tap on a day that suits you - Volunteers 


Special Mention 

A special mention to our helpers this week - 

Lucy, for smashing out the stickers on bags and packing all that sushi on Thursday.

On Friday we had Jade and little Eliza, Candice, Lauren and Cindy and little Owen. What a team for stickers. Also on Friday's, Maria one of our regular and amazing grandparents.

I can't forget my amazing tuckshop team, Meagan and Mel! THANK YOU.



Desiree and the Tuckshop Team