St Brigid's News and Events


Golden Boot

Last week Tara from Kingston Council visited our assembly and presented the GOLDEN BOOT! Each week our Wellbeing Reps are going to calculate how many students in each class walk, ride or scoot to school on a Wednesday.  At the end of the term, the class with the highest number of students will get to keep the Golden Boot in their classroom!!



Lunch Clubs

Lunch clubs have continued to be popular choices for many students in Term 2. They provide students with a chance to explore different interests and develop social connections. These clubs help create an environment where learning extends beyond the classroom. We offer a variety of Lunch Clubs such as: Library Club, ICT Club, Games Club, Box Club and Colouring Club.

Body Education with Kelly Nash

Our Body Education sessions with Kelly Nash are fast approaching. There will be 3 sessions offered.

Tuesday, June 11:

  • 6:15 - 7:15 pm -  Year 3 and 4 students and families
  • 7:30 - 8:30pm  - Year 5 and 6 students and their families.

Wednesday, June 12

6:15 - 7:15pm - Year 1 and 2 students and their families. 


The cost of these sessions is $20 per family for one session or $25 per family for multiple sessions.  Tickets can be purchased via CDFpay - Click here for the link.  An Operoo will be sent to families today providing all details. 



As part of our Religious Education program, our Year 5/6 students are learning about the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit and how using these can influence and impact their lives. Our Year 6's are researching a Saint and our Year 5's are researching a Spirit Filled person.  Spencer chose Fr Andrew as his Spirit Filled person. Fr Andrew came to school this week for Spencer to interview him. We don't know who was happier! We look forward to hearing Fr Andrew's story.



BBQ Trailer - Free to a Good Home

We have had a bbq trailer sitting in our shed for a few years now - not being used.  St Brigid's now have new BBQ facilities.  We are giving away this BBQ trailer.  If you are interested please contact Tracey in the office.