Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Parents


School photos

Today is the first day of our annual school photos.  These are taken around the same time each year and are a great marker of how much our children change over a 12-month period.  Please note that we don’t expect to see the photos back in the school before term three.  We will certainly let you know once they arrive. 




Pupil free day – last Friday

Staff had a very productive day working on curriculum and planning together last Friday, and I’m sure that many of our families took the opportunity to get away for an extra long weekend as the children were not required at school.  For parent information, the only other pupil free day is the Monday prior to the Melbourne Cup Day public holiday – Monday, November 4.  Students will not be required at school on this day.   Beyond that there is also the public holiday for the King’s birthday – Monday, June 10.  School is closed on this day.     


School review

As you would be aware, every four years our school undertakes a review.  This is facilitated by an external provider and Principals from other schools outside of the Wyndham area are a part of the review panel.  We have currently undertaken three days of this review with a further two to go.  The panel has observed lessons and meetings, met with students and staff, and unpacked a lot of our data.  Over the course of the next two days, they will meet with some parents, and members of our allied health team, and begin some planning for the future.  The purpose of a review is to not only identify the strengths of an individual school, but also work out key next steps to continue the school on its improvement journey over the upco four years of a strategic plan.  Thus far we have found lots to celebrate – and, naturally – things that we could improve upon, as this is the intent of the review.  We look forward to seeing where the next four years will take us and will share with you the key findings in a later newsletter. 


Mothers’ Day Stall…..ssshhhh.  Don’t tell mum!

A very big thank you to the members of our parents and friends’ group who have organised a Mothers’ Day stall as a service for our students.  Gifts will be available for purchase and will range in price from $1 - $6.  Children will need to bring a shopping bag or similar on the day in which they can secretly bring home their purchases in readiness for presentation to mum or other special adult on the day.  As this is the last newsletter prior to Mothers’ Day may I take this opportunity to wish all our parents and guardians who take on a mother type role the very best wishes for a wonderful day on Sunday, May 12.  I hope you enjoy the treasures your children have purchased for you.  As the school is so large we are unable to fit in shopping for the whole school on one day.  Classes have been rostered to attend the stalls on different days.  Allocated days are as follows:

  • Grades 3-6 on Thursday, May 9
  • F and grades 1 & 2 on Friday, May 10  


School Council

The next meeting of the school Council is planned for Thursday, May 16.  Parents are always welcome at these meetings but do not have any speaking rights.  




School Oval

The renovation of the oval is finished, the fences are down and it is in use.  We are very pleased to have had this upgrade to our grounds, and I am sure that the children will make full use of it.  


Enjoy the upcoming weekend everyone


Sue Seneviratne
