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Teddy Bear's Picnic



MyTime Frankston


Belvedere Park Pre-School

Maths Online Free Tria


Welcome to our Term 2 PARC Swim Schools Newsletter


As winter approaches, prioritising water safety remains crucial for students. With this in mind, we're reaching out to highlight the range of services we offer for your school and students. It's our commitment to ensure that everyone remains informed and equipped with the necessary tools to stay safe around water.


Are you aware we offer Beach Days at PARC?


PARC Swim Schools Program is proud to announce we now have a wide range of Schools Programs available for Primary Schools. 



PARC Swim can now provide beach days in association with LSV, in Term’s 1 and 4 of each year, with the unique opportunity to have the PARC facility as a backup location should the weather or water quality disrupt the planned program. 



We provide classroom incursions in association with LSV, to primary schools and kinder groups. 



There are also a wide range of times and activities schools can customise with their own Water Safety and/ or Fun Day Program.



Some Dates Available are:

Term 3 – Week 10

Term 4 – Week 1

Term 4 – Week 7

Term 4 – Week 11 – Water Safety or Fun Days only (limited availability) 


Attached is a list of our Programs and Pricings for 2024!


Have you visited our Swim Schools Portal?


Our Peninsula Leisure Schools Swim Program Portal is home to everything you need to know about our Schools Program, how to book and all the information on what we require from you and what to do on the day. 


On the 'Parents' tab you can see the latest newsletter, and we will regularly add new content and inspiration for ways to engage school aged students in water safety skills, even without getting wet! 


We are here to help! The PARC Swim Schools Program supports local students to build confidence and skills in the water. 

Email parc.schools@peninsulaleisure.com.au to learn more or enquire about availability.


Until next time,

Your PARC Swim and Peninsula Leisure Team