Sport Highlights 

Luke Bahramis, Head of Sport 


EISM Sport is off to a flying start in Term 2. 


This winter season, it's great to have returning teams from last year ready to defend their titles against Knox Grammar, including the Boys Netball team, who won the EISM competition the last three years running.


We also have some great chances in the Girls Netball and Girls AFL teams, with some younger-age talent joining the senior teams from our Year 10 cohort. 

The Year 7 EISM competition also kicked off last week, with students getting their very first taste of senior interschool competition. They performed really well, and it was great to see some close wins against Kingswood, including our Soccer Girls winning 5–1 and the Badminton Girls team winning by just two games after the sets were a tie at 6–6. Congratulations to all our Year 7s for such an impressive start. 


Years 8 and 9 EISM sport enters its final week of games before the finals, and I'm extremely proud to announce that ALL but one of our 14 teams will be part of the semi-finals next week. What an amazing achievement for the cohort.


Good luck to all our teams for the finals.