Music Notes

Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Music

VCE Units 1 & 3 Music Recital Performance 

The VCE Units 1 & 3 Music Recital Performance, held on Wednesday 1 May, featured eight students from Unit 1 and two students from Unit 3. Students showcased their musical talents in front of an audience consisting of students, teachers and parents. 


The performances encompassed a wide variety of musical instruments and genres, ranging from contemporary and jazz to classical pieces. It was truly impressive to witness the dedication and hard work displayed by our students, both inside and outside the classroom. 


The performances, whether solo or group, demonstrated meticulous attention to technical skills and performance strategies.


Congratulations to all the students who participated in this recital. We extend a heartfelt thank you to our Music staff for their guidance and support in preparing for this memorable event.

Performance and Pressure Workshop

This week, we were excited to welcome Mark Bain (Trumpet, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra) to Kilvington. As well as being a wonderful musician, Mark travels around the country coaching students, teachers and professional musicians on how to reach their potential when performing under pressure. 


He met with some of our Performing Arts students and spoke about peak performance, learning and mindset, and performance anxiety. Mark gave some one-on-one coaching to our soloists for the upcoming Concerto Concert, and encouraged students to engage in deliberate practice and create a positive mindset.

Student accomplishment

Congratulations to Melody Xu, Year 12, on receiving her certificate for passing the AMusA examination in late March of this year. This prestigious achievement signifies Melody's dedication and musical excellence in piano.

Magnify Winter Music Camp 

Magnify is an intensive high-level music camp for high school students wanting to fast-track their careers and boost their skills. 


Across daily tutorials, workshops and collaborative sessions, students will develop skills in song writing and composition, improvisation and arranging, and much more! 


You can find more information about the Music Camp here

Senior School Production – High School Musical

Tickets on sale now!

Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment and support all our students and staff who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this fantastic production. 


Production Dates:

  • Thursday 16 May, 7.30 – 10.00pm
  • Friday 17 May, 7.30 – 10.00pm
  • Saturday 18 May, 7.30 – 10.00pm

To purchase your tickets, visit the Trybooking link or use the QR Code below. We look forward to seeing everyone at the show!  

Friday Lunchtime Masterclasses

Sign-up sheets for the Friday Lunchtime Senior Masterclass are in the PVC foyer. There's no need to sign up for Junior Masterclass - just turn up and join in. Students presenting a work with piano accompaniment are asked to bring along the piano part with them or pass it onto Mrs Kate Cole beforehand. 

Diary dates - Term 2





Saturday 11 May

9.00am - 5.00pm

Dalton Hall

High School Musical


Thursday 16 May

7.30 – 10.00pm

Dalton Hall

High School Musical

Friday 17 May

7.30 – 10.00pm

Dalton Hall

High School Musical

Saturday 18 May

7.30 – 10.00pm

Dalton Hall

High School Musical

Tuesday 11 June

11.30am – 12.00pm

Dalton Hall

Years 2/3 String Program Concert

Thursday 13 June

6.00 – 8.00pm

Dalton Hall

Winter Concert

Thursday 13 June

11.30am -12.00pm

Dalton Hall

Year 5 Band Concert

Wednesday 19 June

7.00 – 8.30pm

Hawthorn Town Hall

Concerto Concert

Friday lunchtime 

Juniors 1.35 – 2.20pm

Seniors 12.40 – 1.30pm


