Year 11 Cycling Camp 

Joe Ashmore, Year 11

Held over three days, from 17 to 19 April, the Year 11 Cycling Camp was a great opportunity for some outdoor adventure. We had the chance to enjoy quality time with our friends while exploring the beautiful scenery of Victoria by bicycle. The entire route was scenic, from the quaintness of Yea to the serenity of Bonny Doon.

The bike riding on day one of the journey was extremely enjoyable. We kicked off from Yea before camping overnight at a campground. I loved the self-catering aspect of the camp; it definitely added to the independent ambience of the trip. At night, after a long day of riding, it was awesome to cook up a scrumptious camp meal on the trangias in the midst of nature.

Day two of the camp involved a lengthy trip, with a 45km ride ahead of us; however, we kicked off with high spirits. We cleared the 45km with ease, cruising through to Boony Doon in no time. As we camped for the night, the serene view of the moonlight subtly dancing across Lake Eildon was surreal, to say the least. This was definitely one of my highlights of the trip. 

The final 16km ride on the last day was filled with the excitement of finally returning back home, as by this time, we desperately craved our usual residential amenities of a soft pillow and hot meal! 

Overall, this camp was a great chance to push myself physically. The riding certainly made for a big of a challenge at some points; however, we were blessed with perfect conditions the entire time which made the ride considerably more enjoyable. The camp was an eye-opening experience, and I am sure I will carry the lessons it taught me into the future. 

Finally, I can’t thank our teachers and OEG instructor enough for ensuring that everything ran smoothly the entire time. I'm very grateful for their efforts.