From The Principal Team

We hope Beaumaris Primary families enjoyed the long weekend. Our staff had a very productive Curriculum Day on Friday 26th where many literacy, numeracy and developmental learning resources were reorganised and audited. This gives our teachers clearer access to quality resources that we do already have, and helps us work out what we need to improve upon our quality resources for students, such as take home readers, literacy material for classroom lessons, etc. Thank you to all of our wonderful staff members involved in a huge day of organising and auditing!
Our annual House Cross Country was held last week for students in Years 4, 5 and 6 on what was a beautiful sunny day. An immense amount of organisation and work behind the scenes goes into the smooth running of events like this - thank you to our Sport and PE teacher, Mr Joe Lilburne, and all of our staff involved. It was wonderful to see all of the students trying their very best, supporting one another and cheering their house on.
On Sunday 21st April, our School Captains, Ava and Lachlan and Vice Captains, Annabel and Java represented Beaumaris Primary at the Beaumaris RSL Community ANZAC Commemorative March and Service. Prior to ANZAC Day they also proudly led our school through our ANZAC service with students from Prep to Year 6 attending. Congratulations to our school captains on their involvement and leadership at both of these significant events.
Our enrolments for Prep 2025 are underway. We were thrilled to welcome so many prospective families into our school at both our information evening and our open morning last week. Both were fabulous opportunities to really showcase and unpack what our school is all about and all of the opportunities and programs we have in place here. We were very proud of our Year 6 students who confidently, warmly and excitedly toured prospective families around the school, sharing information about our school from their personal lens which is always a great insight. School tours are continuing, so if you know of a family who may be interested in enrolling their child and they'd like to find out more, please encourage them to contact our office team. Prep 2025 enrolment paperwork needs to please be handed into the office team by the end of Term 2.
Thank you to all parents and community members who provided feedback regarding homework via our survey in Term 1. Following the feedback from students, teachers and the community we have been working with School Council to review and refine our Homework Policy. Moving forward there will be greater emphasis placed on reading; some Mathletics tasks and a variety of optional activities students can complete with their families. The revised homework policy and information will be sent out via Compass on the 9th of May.
Our 2023 Annual Report is now available to our school community. Please find a copy below.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Kind Regards,
David, Grace and Ellen