Learning Community

Term 2 in Middle School
Tala, MAA- Amara, Yusuf and I made a game for our cohort meeting. It was called ‘Lucky Dip’ and we were focusing on teaching the cohort about our goal of ‘Thinking Before you Act.’
Amara, MAA- Tala, Yusuf and I made the slides for our cohort meeting . During the meeting I explained the game that we created for the rest of the students to play .
Yusuf, MAA- I ran our first cohort meeting with Tala and Amara. It went pretty well but our audience still needs to work on our cohort goal of giving five.
Mona, MAB - I enjoyed making the day and night book. I also enjoyed the Science Discovery Incursion. Even though it was challenging, I liked doing the Venn diagram too.
Zayan, MAB - I love drawing. I’ve enjoyed making a book about day and night. I also enjoyed maths, it’s my favourite subject.
Zahra, MBA - I loved the spaghetti tower challenge for Education Week. Even though it was really hard, it was lots of fun.
Lana, MBA - I liked the Science Dome incursion. It was really cool to be inside the dome and see the sun, moon, stars and blood moon being projected on the dome roof.
Amani, Khalil and Ezan, MBB - The sundial experiment helped us understand that Earth moves away from the Sun and this causes day and night.
Lana, Efe and Ali, MBB - The sundial experiment was really fun. We learned about the Earth’s axis and how it causes Earth to rotate around the sun.