From the Principal's Desk
Welcome Back
Welcome back to the new Term. I trust those that were able to had an enjoyable holiday. I would like to welcome three new students and their families to our school.
Archer: 1/2M
Josh: 5/6E
Presley: 5/6D
State Swimming Championships
Our swimmers had a great trip to Sydney during the last week of term to compete in the State PPSA Swimming Championships. Back at school students cheered them along during the live stream. The experience of swimming at the Olympic Swimming Centre will last with them forever.
ANZAC Day March
A special thanks to the students who represented the school at the ANZAC march and ceremony last week.
School Photos
School photos are being held next Tuesday, 7th May. You should have received a notification through COMPASS which included the ordering process. All photos must be ordered through COMPASS.
All students are required to wear their formal school uniform for photos.
Formal School Photos, Eisteddfod, Special Assemblies & Occasions
Girls Boys
White blouse (short or long sleeve) White shirt (short or long sleeve)
Pinafore or Skorts Black trousers
Red V-neck Sloppy Joe with emblem Red V-neck sloppy joe with emblem
Black socks or tights, black shoes Black socks, black shoes
School tie (red/black stripe) School tie (red/black stripe)
** Red Woollen Jumper with school emblem (Optional for both boys and girls)
** The school has ties that students may borrow for the day.
Martin's Gully Cross Country
We will be holding our cross country on school grounds this Friday from 11.30am. All students in Years 2 to 6 will participate. Parents are welcome to come and cheer their children along.
One Off Excursion Payment
Could all families please check COMPASS and ensure that you have paid the one off excursion fee. This fee covers all local excursions and incursions.
Before School Service
Armidale Family Support are seeking expressions of interest for a Before School Service. This service will be located at Sandon PS, but will transport students to their respective schools. If interested, please contact Armidale Family Support on 6772 5300 or to email them at
PSSA Cricket Success
Congratulations to Maddie Byrne on being selected to represent North West PSSA at the State Championships in October at Bathurst.
Opportunity Class Information
PAX Word of the Fortnight: COURAGE
- Courage means doing something even though we are scared or nervous.
- Courageous PAX LEADERS don't give up even when things are tough.
- At Martin’s Gully, we show courage by not giving up and being persistent and resilient.
- Things to discuss at home: Have you been courageous lately? Have you seen someone show courage at school or home?
Attendance Matters:
Well done students and parents of MGPS! In Term One, we achieved an attendance rate of 92.4%.
We still working towards our target of 93.72%. Late arrivals and early departures impact on this rate. Coming to school each day between 8:30am and 9:00am and leaving at 3pm is just a simple way we can achieve this together. Let's do this together.
Dates for your calendar:
This calendar of events will be updated and published each week. Some events may change, so please access the latest version.
Week 1
Friday 3rd May – Martin’s Gully Cross Country 11.30am - Years 2-6 only
Week 2
Tuesday 7th May – School Photos – Formal school uniform
Tuesday 7th May – PSSA Netball Knockout v Uralla – 12.30pm
Wednesday 8th May – Stage 2 Thalgarrah Excursion
Wednesday 8th May – Debating Challenge (Selected Stage 3 students only)
Friday 10th May – Stage 3 Thalgarrah Excursion
Week 3
Tuesday 14th May – Whole School Disco and Parent Information Sessions
Friday 17th May – Assembly – Stage 3 and Choir presenting – 12.15pm start
Friday 17th May – Armidale Zone PSSA Netball Trials
Friday 17th May – P&C AGM – 1.00pm
Week 4
Wednesday 22 May – Eisteddfod - Primary Choir Only
Thursday 23 May – Armidale Zone PSSA Boys and Girls Soccer Trials
Friday 24th May – Armidale Zone Cross Country
Week 5
Friday 31st May – Assembly – Stage 2 presenting – 12.30pm start
Week 6
Monday 3rd June – Armidale Chess Tournament – Stage 2 and 3 students only
Wednesday 5th June – North West Boys Soccer Trials
Thursday 6th June – North West Girls Soccer Trials
Friday 7th June – Martin’s Gully Spelling Bee – 9.30am
Week 7
Thursday 13th June – North West Cross Country
Friday 14th June – Assembly – Stage 1 presenting
Week 8
Week 9
Friday 28th June - Assembly – Kindergarten presenting
Week 10
Friday 5th July – last day of Term 2
Ian Reeves