Deputy News

"Time is a wonderful way of showing us what really matters"

Dear Parents and Families, 


As I reflect on the past fortnight there is so much to be proud of in our community. As I was taking a new potential family around on a tour this week I had so much to share about the brilliant events and opportunities at Sacred Heart. It was wonderful to share and show the explicit academic instruction, the high quality teaching practices along with the exra curricular actvities, the Specialist classes, Interschool Sport and the Arts. This week our focus on our school value has been on PRIDE. Pride in our selves as learners,in our uniform, the way we act,  in our bookwork, our learning environment and our school yard. We shared  a speicla assembly this mornig where many class awards were given out with a focus on Pride.  What  a pleasure it was to have volunteers around the school helping to rake up the leaves so our school yard looks presentable. This photo pictured above warms my heart how proud these students are of their school and they were working during theor lunchtime!


Last night we also celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation and how proud I was to watch these mature Year 6's participate in this sacrament so reverently. They were so well prepared by their incredible teachers and Mr Blake the RE Leader. They were involved in Projects of their chosen Saints, a special Retreat day on Monday, a visit from the Bishop where they answered many questions on Wednesday and finally the service last night. Watching the students mature and grow from young prep students to making their sacrament of Confirmation is  an absolute priviledge. 


This week the Arts captains (Ella, Isla, Sophia, Kit & Elsie) have had their time in the spotlight (and backstage) too, preparing Sacred Heart's Got Talent. What a delight it has been to work with such enthusiastic Yr 6 leaders who have bought prizes, created posters, sign up sheets, slideshows, cerificates, been judges etc. They have worked tirelessly in their lunchtimes to create something extra special for all partcipants over the 3 days. The numbers in the audience were certainly an excellent indication of how appreciative the students were to have the talent show this week. Thanks to Mr Stephen Coutts for helping to create Sacred Heart's Got Talent this year. There was so much talent from singing to acting to dancing, even the preps got in on the act. So very brave.  Thanks to the parents who have supported the talented acts. The money raised, a total of  $617 which will go into the Performing Arts budget for the 2025 Musical (yet to be announced). All students who participated received a  certificate and treat today  in assembly. The Sacred Heart's Got Talent winners wil be announced in assembly in a fortnight.  



A huge thanks to the P & F, Nat McCabe, Ash Dooley and all the parents who helped to run another sensational Mother's day stall. We hope all the mums were all spoilt and had  a special day celebrating with your family.  


Last Friday morning we warmly welcomed so many mothers and carers  in our community to our  early morning tea. Thanks so much to all the dads who turned up to serve tea and coffee and assisted to clean up and set up for assembly. It was greatly appreciated by the whole community. The delicious morning tea was followed by a jam packed (pardon the pun) assembly with a beautiful junior performance, (not  a dry eye in the house.) It was very special having so many mums and carers spend some precious time in the classroom, sharing the incredible learning at Sacred Heart.  Thanks for giving up your time to be here, you can never get that time back again and your children love sharing their schooling with you.




Feeling very proud of Sacred Heart and wishing you all a restful weekend and stay warm, 


Brigid Pennington 

Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader