
Welcome back to Term 2! We have started the term with some great learning experiences.
Last week, the Junior school students travelled by bus from Frankston to Brunswick to participate in various activities at CERES. The excursion immersed the students in opportunities to be sustainable in their lives. The students went on a scavenger digging hunt in garden beds, looking for mini beats, fungi, plant matter and compost. Next, we visited the worm farm. Asia, our education leader, discussed the benefits of having a worm farm and the uses for worms in the garden. Many of the Preps were brave and held and touched the worms. Papermaking was a popular activity. This activity demonstrated how to reuse and repurpose materials and make handmade paper. Finally, we walked along Merri Creek, picking up litter and reflecting on the natural beauty of our waterways. We were intrigued by how the litter trap catches and collects the litter in the creek, ensuring it remains as clean as possible. The creek is so clean that it is home to platypi. During our visit, we learned the six Rs dance to help us remember different ways to be sustainable. Over the term, the students will transfer their knowledge about sustaining the environment and share it with you.
The Preps started the term by exploring two-dimensional shapes in the environment. They sorted shapes, named them, and described them by their properties. Each student created a shape building using a variety of shapes. They explained the differences and similarities between the shapes.
After listening to Phil Cummings's story, ANZAC Biscuits, we made ANZAC biscuits as a language experience. The language experience encourages the students to use their senses and WOW words to describe what is happening. They described the sifted flour as snow falling from the clouds, the brown sugar as kinetic sand, and the biscuits as buttery and crunchy. The Preps drew a picture of the language experience and constructed a simple sentence about their experience.