5/6 AG

Welcome back to Term 2! We can't wait to watch all of the learning unfold over the term!
A few key dates:
Project Rockit: 30th of April
District Field Athletics: 1st of May
Interschool sports at Frankston East: 3rd of May
Camp Rumbug
Last Wednesday, our grade 5/6 students embarked on their journey to Camp Rumbug in Foster! The students interacted in a variety of activities whilst they were there, with lots of team building exercises. It was so lovely to hear all of the stories from camp and it seems like this will be one they will remember forever.
Camp reflections:
Carmen - Camp this year was so much fun, that it’s become my favorite school camp I've ever been to. There were lot’s of things that stood out to me, but I think my most memorable thing about camp was the mud run. The mud run definitely didn’t disappoint. I had never seen so much mud in my life!
Victoria - What really challenged me at camp was the Mud Run. I used to despise the idea of getting wet and muddy, but I pushed myself, and I don’t regret it. I loved how I felt free to get dirty. I could splash in puddles and not have a care in the world.
Gabriel - This year for camp we went to camp Rumbug. There were a lot of activities but my favourite thing at camp was the raft building because we had to work as a team to build the raft. We also got to go out onto the lake to see if it would float. One of my team members' side of the raft was sinking, so we started to paddle back to shore. We didn't make it very far until I fell into the water, which was three degrees.
Harper enjoyed a family camping trip and wrote diary entries everyday to share with the class. Harper shared that she was proud of herself for getting all the way to the top of Mount Buffalo and she enjoyed telling stories using the stars at night time.
We hope you have a lovely long weekend.
Miss Ash and Miss Georgia