Year Three Team News
with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary
Year Three Team News
with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary
We are pleased with how the students have settled back into what is going to be a busy Term 2. They have enjoyed sharing their holiday adventures with us and are now recharged – ready to go!
Well done to 3B for a great job hosting assembly today.
Upcoming Event:
Willy Primary's House Athletics Competition/Trials will take place at the Newport Athletics Track on Tuesday 7th May. This will not only run as trials for the school athletics team, but it will also run as a school house competition! All students will rotate through and earn house points through their participation in every event.The top two students in each event will have the chance to represent Willy Primary, in competition against the other schools in our district during Term 3.Students are encouraged to dress up in their house colours and cheer on their peers and houses in what will be a fantastic day! You can now consent and pay for this on Compass.
Fortnightly Curriculum Focus
Reading: Students are learning how to identify the main idea & details when reading. Students are completing a variety of comprehension tasks.
Writing: Students are following the writing cycle and producing a narrative of their own choice.
Numeracy: Identify fact families and understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use a variety of mental strategies to solve subtraction problems.
Inquiry: ‘How Can We Care for Our Health and Wellbeing?’ How can we care for our bodies to ensure that our physical, emotional, and mental health needs are looked after? (The importance of rest and sleep, nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness and relaxation, hygiene.)
Child Wise/Respectful Relationships: Students develop their recognition that problems are a normal part of life. Students increase their ability to identify and name problems. Students recognise that there are solutions to problems. Students develop a range of strategies to use in working to solve problems.
Literacy: 15-20 minutes of reading daily. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus or their personal words
Numeracy: 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school.
Warm regards,
The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).