Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Welcome back to what will no doubt be another busy and enjoyable term. We hope that you all had a wonderful break and have settled back into the school routine. It has been great to see our students refreshed and excited about what this term has to offer. As is always the case in Term 2, assessment will be taking place in the early to middle weeks of the term in preparation for your child’s mid year report. As the weather takes a nasty turn, we ask that students make sure they bring a jumper to school to keep them warm during recess and lunchtime.
As it’s the start of a new term, it’s a wonderful opportunity to reset our routines and expectations. One of the ways we are doing this is by encouraging the Grade 2s to take a proactive approach to their learning. This involves being organised and looking at the day ahead, helping others and finding solutions to problems that they have encountered (or may encounter) in the classroom and yard.
Important news for Term Two:
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 3 - 4
Literacy: In Writing, we will be learning about and writing our own procedural texts.
Numeracy: We will continue working on time, with a particular focus on telling time on an analogue clock to the quarter. We will also be working on number patterns.
Inquiry: We will be looking at discussing what a range of different mixtures are made up of and why they are made the way they are.
Willy Kids: Through the pillar of Learning, we are learning about what it looks like to be curious students that wonder and try to find out more about something that really makes us think in an inquisitive way.
Special Reminders:
Blue Book Bags: Just a friendly reminder that in order to help us with our reading program, it is imperative that students continue to bring their blue book bag to school each day. It has been pleasing to see this being done by our Willy Kids consistently in Term One and we ask that this continues just as strongly in Term Two.
Change to the specialist timetable: There have been some changes to the specialist timetable for this term, please see the specialist days for each class below.
Grade 2K: | Grade 2J: | Grade 2G: |
Physical Education - Monday French - Tuesday Art - Thursday Music - Thursday Library - Friday | Music - Tuesday French - Wednesday Art - Thursday Physical Education - Thursday Library - Friday | Art - Monday French - Tuesday Library - Wednesday Physical Education - Thursday Music - Thursday |
Until next time,
The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)