Year 5/6 Team News
with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati
Year 5/6 Team News
with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati
In Writing, students have begun looking at persuasive writing. This will nicely complement our work in inquiry, where they will later be required to be wheeling, dealing and persuading others around them. This term we have changed up our Spelling program to give students some more scope to choose tasks that appeal to them to help them to learn their spelling words. In Reading we have just begun looking at the class novel, “The Ministry of Unladylike Activity”. Ask your children what they think of it so far.
In Maths we have just wrapped up a unit on data where students were able to explore real-world data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and learn different ways to display this data in graphical form. We are now moving onto a unit about time. By this age, students should be able to read and understand analogue and digital time. If your child can not read an analogue clock, we encourage you to do some rehearsal around this at home.
This week we launch our Unit of Inquiry about Australia’s system of government. Students have been broken into “parties” and will be working cooperatively to develop a brand, policies and campaign materials, culminating in an “election” at the end of term. Stay tuned for more.
Respectful Relationships
This term we will be looking at the following Child Safe topics: Body Ownership & Private Zones, Safe and Unsafe Touch, Saying No and Child Abuse. We advise you to be prepared for questions about this content at home.
Cosmetics at school
We have noticed a significant increase in the number of students bringing make up, perfumes and aerosol deodorants to school. We recommend that the application of personal care products occurs at home. Aerosol sprays should not be used at school and students must not be applying make-up on-site before school or at recess and lunch.
Warm regards,
The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emil de Vries (5/6D), Bianca Italiano & Molly Hedditch (5/6I), Kayleen Dumic & Steven Puhar (5/6K) & Melati Cordell (5/6M)