From the Principal
Principal: Mathew Montebello
From the Principal
Principal: Mathew Montebello
Dear Families,
Williamstown Primary has a long history and connection to the Defence Force, currently having many Defence Force families as part of our community. Recently the Great War plaque on the bluestone building was restored, by Rotary Williamstown, continuing the acknowledgement and recognition of the school’s history with service men and women. Leading into ANZAC Day the tradition of ANZAC inspired student art, led by our art teacher Jo Jo, was again present. It is a humbling feeling walking into the office each morning with ANZAC inspired work running along the walls.
In modern times it is unimaginable what families and communities went through during these large-scale wars. ANZAC day is just one way we can acknowledge those we have lost through war, and acknowledge all that our current defence forces do in keeping our country safe.
School Service
On Wednesday our senior JSC leaders conducted our school’s ANZAC ceremony. They did an amazing job speaking with such confidence. Classes across the school had their own way of discussing the importance of ANZAC, with these discussions scaffolded according to year levels. Thank you to all those who attended the ceremony. Your support is much appreciated.
Dawn Service
Thursday morning four student leaders had the honour of being part of the Newport/Williamstown dawn service. The group of students laid a wreath on behalf of the school and its community in paying our respects to those we have lost. The event itself was awe inspiring, and the sea of thousands is a testament to the greater Williamstown and Newport communities support for each other and those that protect our lands. Thank you to the families who supported our four students. It was an early start to the day and they all did the school proud.
2025 Prep Information Night and School Tours
This coming Tuesday 30th April at 7pm, the school will be holding its 2025 Prep Enrolment Information Night. The Night looks to provide key enrolment information for our families looking to enrol a child for 2025. Held in the school’s redbrick junior building, Lisa and I look forward to meeting new families as well as current ones who have children commencing their Willy Kids journey in 2025. School tours will be conducted in the coming weeks and these tours will be led by our student leaders. Further information about these tours has been distributed via Compass and on the school’s socials.
Willy Learning Challenge
Next week we will see the launch of the first Willy Learning Challenge for 2024.
We encourage all students to participate in this homework extension program, we can assure everyone it is a special one, and it may see your thoughts or ideas have a permanent place within the school. Students and families should expect to receive the challenge by Monday 29th April.
The challenge was launched at this week’s assembly as well.
Junior Quad Development
We are very excited to confirm that Stage One of our inclusion project, the junior quad development, is scheduled to be undertaken during the next school holidays. This project which is funded by money raised by last year’s Seaside fair will add much needed greenery, resurfacing and seating to the space. The removal of the asphalt in the space will give the area a softer feeling.
We look forward to enjoying this project with everyone at the commencement of Term 3.
Stage two, which is the redevelopment of the junior toilet block is already on its way with initial quoting being undertaken. Once signed off by the VSBA the school will look to go out to full tender, which is a requirement of a project this size. This project will again look to utilise money raised through our fundraising schedule, as well as the money received through the Building Fund and General Improvement Fund. These funds are part of the voluntary contributions that families can contribute to and go a long way to ensuring that our beautiful school continues to have up to date facilities.
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)
Shortly Grade Prep teachers will undertake the AEDC. This census which sees teachers complete a development survey for each prep student helps support education, health, policy, and community planning across national, state, community, and local government level. The census looks to collect student data in 5 key elements of physical health and wellbeing, emotional maturity, language and cognitive skills, communication skills and general knowledge. Teachers will be released to complete the census and information regarding the census will be distributed to prep families.
The census is scheduled to be undertaken between 1st May-31st July.
Attitude to School Survey
Between the 13th-24th May students in years 4-6 will participate in the annual attitudes to school survey. The survey is conducted by ORIMA research on behalf of the of the Department of Education. Data collected includes how students feel in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.
Information obtained from these surveys are an essential part of school planning. Opportunity to unpack this data with student leaders also helps frame understanding in ensuring we are meeting the needs of all our Willy Kids.
Mother’s Day Luncheon
As you would be aware the Willy Parents and Friends Association will be hosting its first ever Mother’s Day Luncheon. Information about this event has been sent out via Compass and tickets can be purchased via CompassTix. The event looks to strengthen and support connections and friendships within our school community. The event also doubles as a new fundraiser. We encourage everyone to support this limited ticket event.
150th Commemorative Webpage.
This week we launched our 150th Commemorative Webpage on our website. The page which is located under the “About Us” tab provides a home to everything that is 150. It is now the home to school’s 150th Celebration Documentary, and next week a digital version of the school’s 150th History Book will also be accessible to families and the community. We will look to continue to add artefacts such as event photos to the page, but we are very pleased that current and former students and families have a space that they can now visit to remember the historic event.
Warm regards,