Student learning around KPS

Grades 3 and 4
A group of 4AR students have recently started their own Book Club that meets weekly during our Tuesday Library session. Each student is currently reading a book from the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid' series.
Every Book Club member has an important role to play such as Questioner, Monitor, Artist, Summariser and Connector and these roles are swapped around each week. They also work together to decide how many chapters will be read before the next meeting too.
Students all have a mini notepad which they record their thinking and weekly goals on. 4AR teachers are so blown away by the initiative and enthusiasm towards reading that this group of students have shown; we couldn’t be more proud!
Grades 5 and 6
Year 6 students will be running Kalinda’s Remembrance Day ceremony during our normal Assembly time this Friday 10th November, 2:45pm. We will also have Mr McClare and some of our school leaders representing Kalinda at the official ceremony on Saturday morning.
We have been reflecting on what it truly means to have ‘gone to war’ and fought for one’s country through studying the poem ‘For the Fallen’ and discussing the themes and vocabulary chosen to communicate to the reader just how devastating the experience of the First World War, and all those subsequent, has been on the soldiers, families, and even whole societies across the world.
The students that will be leading the ceremony have written reflections to share; practised text to read; and will lead us with respect and solemnity; honouring those that have fought, died and been left behind to create the life we have now.
Visual Art around the school
Above is some artwork that has been completed across various levels around the school.
The large tissue flowers were made by the Grade 5 students, and the colour wheels by the Grades 1 and 2.