2023 PBS Behaviour Expectations & Matrix

MsHullen - School-wide Positive Behaviour Support Leading Teacher

This year we have reviewed and published a new PBS Behaviour Matrix. All students will have recently received a paper copy of the new matrix during a year-level assembly. The matrix outlines how students can demonstrate our respectful, responsible, learning and community behaviour expectations. If you would like to view and download a copy of our new PBS behaviour matrix you can do so using this link from our college website. Discussing our behaviour expectations with your child/ren helps us all to support students to consistently demonstrate our behaviour expectations. If you have any suggestions or feedback about our matrix, you can contact Karie Hullin by phoning the college or via email: karie.hullin@education.vic.gov.au


PBS Bowling Excursion

On the first day of Term 4, a group of 17 students went bowling. These students exchanged 150 of their positive behaviour credits to go on the bowling excursion. Students enjoyed bowling with students from other classes and year levels.

We plan to run another PBS bowling excursion later in the year. The date is yet to be determined. Keep an eye out for information about this on Compass.


PBS X-Change Valedictory Dinner Tickets and Year 12 Jackets

The 4 students who have attained the most PBS credits in Year 11 and Year 12 will be announced. The Year 12 students will receive a Valedictory Dinner ticket. The Year 11 students will receive a Year 12 Jacket. If students have already purchased a ticket or a jacket they will be reimbursed. 


How do students earn PBS credits/house points?

Earlier this year the SRC worked collaboratively to develop additional ways for students to earn PBS credits which are also house points. See the below table which summarises how students can earn PBS credits/house points. If your child has additional feedback or suggestions encourage them to raise this with an SRC member.