Year 9

Ms Dickson - Year 9 Year Level Leader

The Year 9 cohort has been taking part in Immersive electives which has seen them engaging in activities out in the community. Students were able to interact with members of the community respectfully and responsibly to further our learning community. They will have another immersive elective next term.


Immersive Electives

The students have taken part in some amazing incursions and excursions as part of their immersive electives. They have built shelters, completed their First Aid certificate, received their food handlers certificate, visited the Institute of Sport, played soccer with Melbourne City, visited Parliament House, met an author and an illustrator, visited the local radio station and are creating a mural.

Celebration Day

The Year 9 cohort had their celebration day. It was a great day where students and their Connect teachers were able to engage in some exciting activities. The morning activities included a flower crown workshop, making Kokedamas, yoga and meditation, karaoke, board games, art therapy, Nintendo Switch, boxing and canine comprehension. After recess, the whole cohort danced up a storm at our silent disco. A big hit was the photo booth and doing the Nutbush. The students enjoyed some pizza and homemade cupcakes for lunch. Our last activity was trivia in our Connect classes with 9E, A and H taking home the prizes for getting the most correct answers. 

We all had a great day!

Shrine Excursion

As part of their Australian History curriculum, year 9 students visited the Shrine Memorial to find out how an entire generation of Australians had their lives shaped forever by their participation in the First World War.

Student reflections:

“I liked learning about the experiences and mindsets of the Australian Soldiers. I learnt that we should remember the deaths and sacrifices of the past and prevent mistakes in the future”.

“The most interesting thing about visiting The Shrine was seeing Liz placing the poppy and giving a minute of silence. You can see the emotion on her face, I found it really cool how she was proud to be a part of her family and what they did.”