Secondary News
Mrs Lakshmi Mohan -Deputy Principal - Head of Teaching and Learning
Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary
Secondary News
Mrs Lakshmi Mohan -Deputy Principal - Head of Teaching and Learning
Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary
Preparations are well underway for our Year 7 to 10 Film Festival to be held from Thursday 23 November to Friday 1 December. Please consider this valuable learning opportunity for your child before arranging leave.
Please note that once students arrive at the College in the morning, they are not allowed to leave the grounds until after 3:10pm. This includes leaving the College grounds to go to the shops before school. Thank you for your support of this important rule that allows the appropriate duty of care to be provided for your child.
As the year draws to a close, it is understandable that students may have forgotten some of the guidelines and policies that were outlined at the beginning of the year. The Student Technology Guidelines and Agreement are summarised below. This documentation is signed upon enrolment and can be found in the Student Diary. It is also discussed in Year Level Meetings.
Student Technology Guidelines and Agreements
Technology access is available to all students as part of the teaching and learning programs offered at Clayfield College.
Supervision and Monitoring
Please talk with your child about these very important guidelines and agreements.
Thank you for your ongoing support and working in partnership with the College.
Students who have expressed interest in the Term 2, 2024 exchange to Trafalgar Castle in Canada have been emailed the selection criteria which is due to submit to Mr Desmarchelier by Friday 3 November. If you missed out on the expression of interest and you would like your child to apply for this opportunity, please reach out to Mr Desmarchelier via
Christian Mission and Service Assistance Program (Years 11 and 12)
Year 11 and 12 students currently at a PMSA school are now eligible to apply for a limited number of assistance packages to undertake involvement in a recognised Christian Mission and Service Assistance Program.
The program aims to foster Christian faith and values in our schools and provides an opportunity for our students to serve God and grow in their Christian faith through engagement in a Christian Mission and Service initiative.
Two assistance packages with a maximum value of $1250 per student will be available for each PMSA school. Each applicant’s school Chaplain will give guidance if the desired initiative is suitable, and it may include programs in Australia or overseas.
Applications will close on Friday 15 November 2023.
For more information about the program please contact Rev Paul Yarrow via or open this link to the application form or visit the PMSA website under Scholarships.
Raymont Residential College Scholarships (Year 12)
The following scholarships are being offered in 2024:
Applications close 3 November 2023. You can apply via the link below.
Date | Event |
8 November | 2024 Cambridge Scholars Program Information Evening (invitation only) |
10 November | LUX 23 Exhibition |