Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Jeslyn 4B for showing pride and integrity in Art. Jeslyn is always respectful and focused, she is a wonderful collaborator and is a kind and supportive classmate. Well done Jeslyn!

Performing Arts - Azra 3C for displaying pride and integrity in her dance practice. She has been contributing fantastic ideas and displaying effort and accuracy in her movements for our class dance. Keep up the good work, Azra!

Chinese - Azra 3C for demonstrating the value of respect and integrity. Well done on being a great role model, Azra! You always contribute to class discussions with enthusiasm, and always treat your peers with kindness. Well done!


LLI - Year 2 - Aleyah 1/2E for demonstrating the school value of Pride. She has been working to the best of her ability during L.L.I. reading lessons and her efforts are really paying off. Thank-you and well done, Aleyah. 


6A -  Fi-Fi for always demonstrating the school values and completing all tasks to the best of her abilities. Well done Fi-Fi

6B - Chris for taking ownership of his actions and accepting responsibility, great to see you showing integrity

6C - Keira for consistently modelling the school values and being a kind and considerate classmate. Well done Keira 


5C - Elrey for demonstrating the school value of integrity and completing all tasks to the best of his abilities Well done Elrey!


4AHamza for showing interest and enthusiasm towards his reading! I love hearing about the new facts you learn during your independent reading time. Great work, Hamza!

4BFrancois your classmates have noticed how much pride you take in your work, and how great you are at collaborating in the classroom. Get up the great work! 

4CEmma for showing integrity and resilience in her learning, especially in Maths this week. She did not hesitate to ask for help when learning a new concept, and was able to articulate her understanding to support her peers. Excellent work, Emma!


3ABosilija for showing respect and collaboration. Bosilija, you have been voted by your peers for being so kind, helping your peers out when they feel upset and showing resilience. Keep up the great work Bosilija!

        Amal for showing respect and collaboration. Amal, you have been voted by your peers for being so helpful and coming to school every single day. Well done Amal, keep up the good work!  

3C - Emelia for showing great persistence when writing her persuasive piece. She listened to peer and teacher feedback and continued to work hard to produce a completed product. Excellent work Emelia!


1/2AAva for confidently sharing her thoughts and ideas during all classroom discussions and always being an active participant! 

1/2B - Monica for demonstrating incredible resilience, integrity and pride by showing ‘whole body listening’ each lesson and transitioning between tasks quietly and calmly. Well done Monica!

1/2C - Hargun for demonstrating our school value of resilience during maths this week. She challenged her thinking and asked for feedback to improve her skills when renaming on a vertical algorithm. Keep up the great effort! 

1/2D - Davi for consistently  demonstrating our school value of   pride. His work is presented and organised neatly and completed to an excellent standard. 

1/2E - Aamir for demonstrating integrity. In Writing, he has listened, watched, shared, and learnt to improve his persuasive text. Aamir has taken risks and incorporated ‘Writer's voice’. Fantastic work Aamir!


FBLiam for demonstrating our school value of resilience this week when arriving at school Keep it up! 


Highlighted Students

Lower Primary: 

1/2AAva for confidently sharing her thoughts and ideas during all classroom discussions and always being an active participant! 


Upper Primary: 

3C - Emelia for showing great persistence when writing her persuasive piece. She listened to peer and teacher feedback and continued to work hard to produce a completed product. Excellent work Emelia!