Student Learning

In Maths Foundation students have been learning how to create a pattern and how to continue the pattern. They used blocks, dominoes and counters to create lots of different patterns.
Nanna B our science wiz helped the Foundation students to make cardboard buildings as part of the Cobram town that was at our STEAM night. There were ice cream shops, pet shops, khub and even the Barooga Bridge. They also learnt about chemical reactions by doing a volcano experiment using bicarb soda, dishwashing liquid and vinegar.
Students have also been been learning about camouflaging. They have investigated why certain animals use camouflage and how they do this.
Year 1/2
Reading: In partners, the students looked at creating and answering questions using books from the EPIC app.
Writing: The students began crafting their narratives. They engaged in the processes of planning, writing and editing their stories.
Maths: The students are practicing adding and subtracting numbers vertically.
Science: The highlight of the week was participating in science with Nanna B. The students placed Skittles on a plate and poured cold water over them. The Skittles started to dissolve sending the coloured sugar outwards in an attempt to equalise the concentration of sugar in the water. The students learnt the colours didn't mix because the same amount of sugar dissolved from each Skittle.
Year 3/4
Math: Year 3/4 classes have been combining during some Math lessons, giving the students the chance to share ideas and learn from a variety of peers.
Writing: The 3/4s have been busy publishing their Margaret Wild inspired writing. They were very excited to use the new Bluetooth keyboards!
Year 5/6
Congratulations to Will for being awarded the 'Best Overall Exhibit' with his amazing writing piece! We are very proud of Will's achievementas
Not just from our school everyone
Our Tristan Bancks inspired writing celebration! Students shared their writing with the cohort, and in small groups.
Issy's fantastic close read 2. Great work Issy!