Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PANiamh SFor always showing the Wembley value of respect, especially when ‘being fair’ during games with her classmates. Thank you for being so kind and considerate of others, Niamh!
PBMatthew BFor working tirelessly to display our school value of respect. I am so proud of your efforts to engage, listen and practise using learnt skills. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to your learning! Well done Matthew!
PCAlessia DFor your fantastic efforts in reading this year! You are now reading with incredible fluency and expression, and discussing the text with interest and animation! Well done Alessia! 
PDAnya VFor her fantastic retell of ‘Harry the Dirty Dog’. We loved listening to you read your story aloud, Anya. You included lots of interesting detail and retold the events of the story beautifully! Well done!
PEFabrizia VFor always showing the Wembley Values.  You set an amazing example for others, showing respect to all in Prep E and encouraging others to do the same.  Well done and keep up the great attitude!
1AAleksandra VFor her fantastic efforts this year in reading. You have come such a long way in your confidence and progress in both decoding unknown words and in your comprehension and understanding of texts. I’m so proud of you, Alex! 
1BEmily IFor always giving her best effort during class time, Emily has made significant growth throughout the year in all curriculum areas and it’s due to her persistence and dedication in the classroom. On top of this Emily is kind to her classmates and a pleasure to teach. 
1CJessica CFor modelling our Wembley value of resilience when she asked questions of her peers and teachers to better understand a learning task. Keep up your great effort in overcoming challenges Jess!
1DMabel MFor working so hard to improve your handwriting and use your spelling strategies to help you spell. Mabel, you are a 1D superstar! Keep up the amazing effort.
2AAline NFor her amazing work in multiplication. Aline you showed all the strategies you can use to solve multiplication problems and the connection to division.  Keep up the amazing work!
2BKarim EFor his hard work on his spelling strategies and for his resilience during our learning.  Amazing work Karim, it is wonderful to see you working hard and doing so well, keep it up!  
2CJanaki SFor taking your time to focus on using the lines accurately in your writing book and for always supporting your peers with anything they need in the classroom! Janaki, you have been so patient with your handwriting and I’ve been incredibly proud of you all year long. Keep your amazing work superstar! 
2DLeo AFor consistently demonstrating a high level of effort in everything you do. Leo, you have become a leader in our class, by setting a great example for others with your behaviour, and you always lend a helping hand when others need it. Well done and keep up the phenomenal work!
3AGeorgia TFor being a kind, courteous and hard-working member of 3A. Georgia, well done on a fantastic week! Keep up the amazing work!
3BJana SFor showing a growth mindset with your hard work in Maths and Writing. Jana, well done on a fantastic week of learning. You have written a great story that your buddy will love and you have worked so hard to build your fractions knowledge! Keep up the great work superstar! 
3CAiden CFor consistently showing our Wembley Values and being a fantastic role model to others in our school. You continue to work your hardest in reaching high levels of learning. You should be very proud of this! Keep up the great work Aiden.
3DJonah CFor showing our value of  respect and being fair to your peers and teachers. Jonah, you continue to be a role model to your peers by showing all our Wembley Values. Keep up the fantastic work!
4AEve EFor always being such a caring member of 4A. You model the Wembley value of Empathy by checking in on your friends when they are upset and always showing kindness to others. Keep up the great work!
4BElla EFor your hard work and dedication to create a sensational book for your buddy. Ella, you created an engaging story that was greatly supported by your creative illustrations. I know your buddy will love it! Keep up the great work!
4CHunter RFor consistently bringing your positive attitude into the classroom and being a role model to everyone in 4C. Thank you for always striving to do the right and fair thing, whether in your learning or with your classmates, and for respectfully encouraging those around you to do the same. You are an absolute star, Hunter, and 4C is very lucky to have you!
4DJayden GFor your outstanding attitude towards school at all times. You are always showing your Wembley Values in the classroom and in the yard and you set an amazing example for your classmates. I'm so proud of how you always stay positive and try to bring happiness to others. Congratulations Jayden!
5ALuka BFor approaching our maths work on Unknown Quantities with a positive attitude and a Growth Mindset. You did a great job on completing a range of tasks to show what you can do. Great work, Luka!
5BJames NFor the positive learning attitude that you have shown in school this week and for trying your best. Keep up the great work James. We are so proud of you! 
5CZoe PFor an outstanding year of effort and achievement. Your determination to grow your understanding in all learning efforts has been inspirational. It has been a pleasure to share the year with you Zoe!
5/6AKiran MFor his friendly and cheerful nature which creates a positive and safe environment. Kiran can always be trusted to work cooperatively in group tasks and will frequently offer kind words of support and encouragement to his peers. Fantastic leadership! Well done Kiran. 
6AZachary YFor a great improvement in your effort in writing! Zac, over the past few weeks you have shown a commitment to improving your writing craft, and it has shown during your publishing lessons. Well done, and keep up the great work!
6BRex RFor being an upstander and supporting your peers at Wembley. Rex, you have been mentioned as a great friend and support to many people. Thank you for leading by example. Keep up the great work!
6CEllie HFor being an upstander and demonstrating the Wembley Values.. Ellie, the courage you are displaying to support your peers is enormous! Keep up the amazing work legend!


PACharlotte RFor showing ‘fair play’ and respect for her classmates during group activities and outside play times. Thanks for caring about others, Charlotte. Keep up the great work!
PBWill PFor showing honesty and integrity when returning lost property you found in the yard. You have set a great example for your peers in Prep B. Well done Will!
PCLayla RFor the amazing confidence you are showing around your learning. Layla, I love when you share your thoughts with the class and your Fascinating Fact was exceptional! You should be so proud of yourself. 
PDFinn CFor always demonstrating the Wembley value of respect. Thank you Finn for using kind words, always letting others learn and for taking care of the space and equipment. Prep D really values and appreciates your hard work. Well done!
PEAlina DFor showing the Wembley value of respect.  You have set an amazing example this week by looking after all property and letting others learn.  Well done and keep up the great attitude!
1AZoe CFor her fantastic effort with her writing this week using our mentor text Quackenstein to help inspire her writing. You did a great job of using some interesting words in your writing and ensuring your sentences were properly punctuated. Keep up the great work, Zoe!
1BSophia DFor her magnificent work ethic in all subjects, Sophia gives her best effort consistently and is growing every day because of it. On top of this, Sophia is a kind, wonderful student and always treats people with respect. Love your work Soph!
1CFrankie PFor his amazing retell of a non-fiction text. Frankie, I love the way you shared the most important facts of your book and captured the purpose of the text. Keep up your fantastic comprehension skills! 
1DAmy PFor the exceptional effort that you put into each and every task. You listen carefully to instructions and new learning and strive to apply it in your learning. Amy, you are a 1D superstar!
2ARemi AFor her outstanding persuasive writing piece.  Remi, your maturity and genuine care comes through in your writing and your reasoning and structure was amazing!  Keep up the wonderful work!
2BRyan TFor making a marked effort to focus during class.  Well done Ryan for trying your best to remain focused and ensuring you are letting everybody learn.  Keep it up! 
2CJustine LFor her outstanding effort in maths, particularly in division where she is absolutely kicking goals! Justine, I’m beyond proud of you and you should be too. Congratulations on all your hard work superstar! Keep it up. 
3AIsabella MFor going above and beyond with your learning. Isabella, you always amaze me with your effort and attitude towards everything you do. I’ve been incredibly proud to watch you grow as an author and start seeking challenges in mathematics. You are a 3A legend!
3BPhoebe HFor doing a fantastic job settling back into 3B after your holiday. Phoebe, you have worked so hard this week to catch up with fractions in maths and you’ve created an amazing writing piece for your buddy. Well done this week Phoebe, we’re glad you’re back! 
3CElla CFor working hard toward self regulating and communicating any issues that may be affecting you. Your strategy cards have worked so well and we are very proud of how you have managed your emotions this week. Keep up the great work Ella! 
4AEvie CFor always putting 100% into everything you do. You consistently show a growth mindset and are a role model to your friends in 4A, consistently demonstrating the Wembley Values. Keep up the great work Evie! 
4BAdie GFor her fabulous writer's craft and her ability to revise and add descriptive detail to her writing. Adie, you are like a sponge in our writing lessons and you work so hard to be the best author you can be. This week your work on dialogue in your texts was very impressive. Keep up the wonderful work!
4CHudson BFor demonstrating outstanding resilience and respect in our classroom this term. You set high standards for your work and challenge yourself in your learning, and have been a role model for the Wembley Values. Fantastic work Hudson, we are proud of you!
4DReva NFor your amazing ability to always follow instructions carefully. You have set such an amazing example for others with your great attention to detail and the care you put into your work. Sometimes, I feel like it's you who should be teaching the class because of how well you listen! Well done, superstar!
5/6ALia DFor her mature approach to learning and consistently producing high quality work. Lia takes great pride in all set tasks and her dedication and commitment should be commended. Super effort! Well done Lia!
6ATerry KFor a fantastic effort in extending yourself in Maths this week. Terry, you have been really focused in class during our time project, and have shown great problem solving skills in extension tasks. Well done, and keep it up! 
6BZoe FFor your outstanding effort using reasons and evidence to support your ideas in our Reading lesson. Keep up the great work Zoe!
6CJacob BFor demonstrating what being an upstander looks like. Jacob, you have shown tremendous courage in your acts of respect and empathy. Keep up the great work legend!



Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.