Year Three Team News

with Katja, Emil, Carmel & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

The Year 3’s have been working hard on their information report on an endangered Australian species. They will be using this research to prepare for their Oral Presentation. You should have received information about this and the date of your child’s presentation. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be conducting a variety of assessment tasks and ask that students are well rested in preparation for this.

We are getting closer to our Zoo Snooze in Week 9. More details are available on Compass. A reminder of the dates are as follows:

  • Monday 27th November – 3C
  • Tuesday 28th November – 3D
  • Wednesday 29th November – 3R

The students will attend school on the day as normal and will be dropped off outside the main entrance of the Melbourne Zoo, in the evening, where they will be greeted by their class teacher. They will spend the following day at the zoo and return to school by bus in time for normal school pick up. More details about what to pack etc will come as we get closer.


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus:

Reading: Reading a variety of Information Texts about animals and using research skills including summarising. Completing comprehension tasks on texts read.

Writing:  Plan, draft, edit and publish an Information text on a chosen endangered Australian animal, following the writing process. Planning and delivering an Oral Presentation about the animal chosen. (Weeks 6 to 8).

Numeracy: Money/Financial Maths: Recognise, describe, and order Australian coins according to their value.

Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value.

Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents.

Inquiry: Endangered Species- What Can We Do?  Focus on endangered species both in Australia and in our local area. Students have been researching information on the animal they have chosen including description, lifecycle, habitat, and diet. They will do an oral presentation to the class about their chosen animal.



Literacy:   -  15-20 minutes of reading daily. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus or personal words.

Numeracy: -    10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Keep working on times tables recall.


Warm regards,  

The Grade 3 team - Katja Rosic (3R), Emil de Vries (3D), Mary Colangelo and Carmel Byrne (3C),