Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 5, Term 4

Performing Arts


Students have begun practicing as a cohort for their upcoming concert and are working on projecting their voices when singing and saying their lines. Our performance takes place on the 15th of November at 6.30pm on the Performing Arts room deck, please see Sentral to confirm your child's participation!


Grade 1 and 2

Students will continue to explore the dance element of 'space' through floor and travelling sequences and are working towards combining fundamental movements to perform more complex short dances. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students will continue to build their musical understanding through their focus on reading formal notation, this week learning about reading notes on the bass clef stave and starting to create their own compositions using xylophones. Teacher lead groups are working on playing a song on the ukulele. 


Grade 5 and 6

Grade 5 and 6 will use their understanding of musical notation and begin to compose short pieces of music using xylophones and their ipads, students will need to bring headphones and fully charged ipad with Garage Band and adequate storage to class each session as they launch into their composition projects.


Grade 1 and 2  

After learning how Scientists use their senses safely when observing experiments last week, we are going to transform into scientists this week and observe and record data from our own experiment. 


Grade 3 and 4   

Students are creating a product that demonstrates their understanding of how the sun and the Earth’s rotation impact our days, nights and seasons. We are using globes and torches to physically create a model of how this operates. 


Grade 5 and 6  

Students are continuing to investigate a variety of natural disasters and presenting their findings in a poster that can be displayed in the classroom. 


Physical Education


Prep PE

Students will enjoy a selection of activities and games, focussing on the skills of catching and striking. They will utilise several different pieces of equipment, including a tennis racquet, cricket bat and spike ball net.    


Prep Sensory

In this week’s Sensory Gym sessions, students will participate in several activities and exercises designed to improve their hand-eye coordination, balance and core strength.


Grade 1 and 2

This week, students will participate in several activities, including a modified game called longball. They will be encouraged to consider the force and direction of their swing when striking a moving ball.


Grade 3 and 4

In our final week focusing on tennis, students will enjoy playing modified matches. They will be encouraged to utilise the key strokes of the game; serving, forehand and backhand.  


Grade 5 and 6

Our Grade 5 and 6 students are going to receive a tennis clinic this week, facilitated by tennis coaches from a local club.    



Prep students will continue to practice signing their name using the Auslan alphabet. They will also play a variety of games designed to help them recognise their own and other students’ names. 


Grade 1 and 2

Grade 1 and 2 students will continue to enhance their fingerspelling skills. They will participate in an activity to help them recognise a variety of signed 3-letter ‘S’ words and then practice finger spelling these words to a partner. 


Grade 3 and 4

Grade 3 and 4 students will participate in games and activities to help develop their ability to recognise and sign a variety of times in Auslan. They will focus specifically on time to the minute, e.g. 8:37am


Grade 5 and 6

Grade 5 and 6 students will develop their ability to fluently sign simple conversations in Auslan by continuing to rehearse and then perform the roles plays from last week relating to shopping. 

Visual Arts


Students will finish their ‘Secret Name Painting’ by incorporating paint pen detail and magiclay letters to stick on top.


Grade 1 and 2

Students will be finishing their ‘Bev’ giraffe constructions and photographing them for Showbie. Please check your child’s account for this term’s snapshot of learning.


Grade 3 and 4

Students will be finishing painting their Analogous Zebras using watercolours, and photographing them for Showbie. Please check your child’s account for this term’s snapshot of learning.


Grade 5 

Students will continue learning about artists Picasso and Cantrell, with the main focus on asymmetry and the cubist movement. This week they will finish creating a paper collage version of a face using shapes, lines and colour that are inspired by these artist works and show clear asymmetry and quirky features. They will also use cut up faces from magazines to create a ‘picasso’ style face design.


Grade 6

Students will begin a self portrait using a photo of themselves that they will take during class time, printing it and tracing their main features onto transparent film. This will become the top layer of their final work, with the base layer to come in the following weeks.