Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 5, Term 4


We are now half way through our science Discovery rotations. Whilst on our journey, we continue considering the question, 'How can science influence our own and others actions?' ensuring that we notice how our scientific learnings are connecting to our world.



This week we will continue summarising; identifying important ideas in a text. We will be  challenging ourselves to summarise short texts in 25 words or less.


What you can do at home

Ask your child to summarise the important parts of the story they are reading at different intervals during their reading time. Prompt their thinking with the question words- who, what, why, when, where and how. 



This week we will practise writing descriptively. Descriptive writing brings the reader on board and when the author carefully considers their word choice, they can capture the readers imagination.

We will also revise writing in the past or present tense; when writing about the past we generally use verbs that end in 'ed', when writing about the present we generally use verbs that end in 'ing'  or 's' (I walked home/I am walking home/ She walks home.)


What you can do at home

Build a list of 'doing words' (verbs) and turn these base words into words that describe the action in the past.  Can you find the irregular past tense words that don't fit the pattern of adding 'ed' to the end? (run/ran, stand/stood, swim/swam)) 



In Maths, we will continue working with fractions. We will be modelling and representing unit fractions for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths. We will also be considering equivalent fractions, for example one half is the same as two quarters. We will also be considering how to add fractions to a number line.


What you can do at home

Consider an array of 100 things. How many of the things would represent half this amount? Quarter? A third? A fifth? A tenth? 

*remember, an array is a collection of things organised into rows and columns. An array of 100 things would have 10 rows and 10 columns.



Learning Snapshots-

Last week students uploaded a learning snapshot highlighting their current writing efforts - practising sentence structure and fluency. Please ask your child to show you their learning snapshot, (found on Showbie) and allow them time to explain the task and celebrate their efforts with you.


Term 4 Homework-

This term, we are asking students to spend time at home looking at the two websites that are available to all Wonga Park students; Mathletics and Reading Eggs. If your child requires another copy of their passwords for these programs, please let their class teacher know. 

Personal Spelling tasks will now be completed in the classroom each week. 

Daily reading is still something that we continue to encourage students to do at home each night. Please continue to record daily reading in the orange Reading Log and return this to school each Friday for teachers to acknowledge student effort with daily reading at home.



Please help your child remember to pack a fully charged iPad in their school bag each day. We use iPads as a learning tool many times throughout the week. This is made much easier when students remember to bring these tools to school each day!




Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November - Book Fair @ WPPS

Friday 3rd November - Childsafe Volunteer Training 9:00-9:40am (onsite session)

Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

Wednesday 8th November - Childsafe Volunteer Training 5:30 - 6:00pm (online session)

Monday 20th November - Friday 24th November - Swimming program

Wednesday 6th December - Carols evening

Wednesday 20th December - last day of the year (early dismissal - 1:30pm)