Year 7
Year 7 students completed a Stem challenge where they were able to design, plan, create, trial and improve their designs to safely land an egg.
Ruwani Keyburn, Leading Teacher
Year 7 students working on creating some simple machines using Lego to celebrate our last Term 3 science class.
Ruwani Keyburn, Leading Teacher
Year 7 Accelerate Maths
After learning about probability in the past week. Students had an opportunity to work on their creative side. Designing and making a fair to play and fun game based around probabilities. After 3 sessions on designing, making and reworking their games students had the opportunity to play everyone's creations. Some competitive nature came out with some great original games being made.
Andrew Erwin
Year 8
Year 8 Science
This week in science, the year 8's engaged in the STEM design process by creating parachutes that could save an egg from a throw off the top of a hill.
Students were given some creative freedom with their parachute design and we saw some very innovative designs. Well done to all!
Ben Joustra, Science & English Teacher
Year 8 & 9 Lawn Bowls
Geelong Schools Lawn Bowls Competition 2023
On Thursday 23rd November 18 students were selected to represent Western Heights College in the Geelong Schools Lawn Bowls Triples competition held at Highton Bowls Club. The morning sessions saw the WHC students divided into two different pools and playing a best of four end format. After a delightful BBQ lunch prepared by the Highton Bowls Club the afternoon session saw the top teams from each pool play off against each other in the semi-finals with the winners progressing to the final. One Western Heights College team made it through to the semi-final Luca Losinno, Evan Milne & Cooper Harkins, whilst the rest of the WHC teams participated in a cross-over pool consolation final game. Many thanks to all participants who conducted themselves in a most respectful and appropriate sporting manner. All students were most appreciative of the coaching, officiating and general encouragement of the Highton Bowls Club members who volunteered to help make the day an enjoyable learning experience. The WHC students have learnt that lawn bowls is a very skilful game that can be played by all ages and abilities. Congratulation goes to Geelong High School No 4 team who narrowly beat Bellarine SC No1 team in the Grand Final game. Many of the students are now looking forward to representing the school in the Western Metropolitan Region competition held in Werribee early term one 2023.
Gary Beasley, P.E Teacher
Year 9
Year 9B Science 2 day Gtech excursion, Design for humanity. Students used fusion 360 and designed tools that would aid in disaster situations. They were able to 3D print & laser cut and modify their designs further. They then presented back to the group.
Ruwani Keyburn, Leading Teacher
Year 9 Interschool Chess
Brandon and I recently played against North Geelong College in a few chess matches against their students. I played 6 games in total and only won 3 of them, meanwhile Brandon played 4 games in total and won 2 of them but couldn’t finish his last game against the teacher due to the limited amount of time.
North Geelong was very welcoming and showed us great sportsmanship and good nature, and I feel like we learned a lot such as different techniques and strategies. It was challenging, social, no pressure and felt great to play against different players and gauge the skill gap. I would recommend it to anyone who plays chess or wants to learn. If you are interested, please visit Ms. Choong or Mr. Gray.
By Alex Galbraith 9B
Start learning an instrument in 2023
Would you like to learn an instrument?
Would you like to share the joy of creating music in a social setting?
The Instrumental Music Programis a great opportunity for students at WHC to learn a musical instrument or participate in vocal training.
Learning music can help students’ self-confidence, self-discipline and teamwork. Music helps students progress in other important learning areas such as Maths and English. Music Australia also notes that countries with a strong focus on music education tend to have higher scores in literacy and numeracy. Engaging music programs have been shown to help with attendance and can be particularly beneficial for students who are not achieving well in school.
Instrumental tuition is offered at WHC for bass and electric guitar, drums, keyboard/piano and vocal, as well as bass (trumpet, trombone, euphonium) and woodwind (saxophone, clarinet, flute).
By participating in a 50-minute lesson each week, students build the technical skills and knowledge to play and perform on their own and with WHC ensembles.
It’s not too late to join the Instrumental Music program in 2023. To enrol and for more information, please contact Matthew Bolton or Christina Bowden on 5277 1177.