Religious Education Coordinator

The Solemnity of All Saints


On Wednesday, we gathered as a school community in the Church for Mass to celebrate the feast of All Saints. 


The word "saint" means holy. Saints are people who loved God and cared about other. They were the true disciples of Jesus providing us with human examples of how we, too, can be disciples of Jesus. As we prayed, we honoured all the holy people who ever lived and celebrated what it means to belong to God's family.


Let us pray...


All Saints in Heaven, 

pray for those of us still here on Earth. Please ask God to give us the graces we need to bring the love of Jesus into our work and play. Help us learn more Saints' stories, so that we can be inspired to grow in holiness and to work hard at whatever things the Lord sets before us. We look forward to the day when all of us will be rejoicing together in heaven. 



Kind regards

Liana Stella