
Sohmen Noodles and Italian Excursion

Sohmen Noodles

On Monday, 27 November, our Year 10 Japanese students immersed themselves in Japanese culture through a delightful culinary experience.


Sohmen noodles, especially when served cold with a soy-based dipping sauce and various toppings, is a popular and refreshing choice during the summer months in Japan. It's wonderful that our students were able to prepare and enjoy this traditional dish together. The combination of shredded nori, thinly sliced green onions, omelette and cucumbers as toppings adds a variety of textures to the dish. Not only are they visually appealing but they also add to the overall taste of the dish.


Experiences like these can foster cultural appreciation, teamwork and a sense of community for students. It also helps them broaden their culinary horizons and encourages an understanding of the traditions and customs associated with food in different cultures.

Mrs K Gray

(Japanese Teacher)

Italian Excursion

In conclusion of their course, our Year 9 Italian classes ventured to Fremantle on Monday, 4 December to discover all things Italian. The students learnt about the Italian immigration history in Western Australia (WA), visiting the WA Maritime Museum, the Welcome Walls and Fisherman's Wharf. They enjoyed a delicious two course lunch at Sandrino Café and Pizzeria and finished the day with gelato from Chicho Gelateria. Buonissimo!

Mrs C Villarosa

(Italian Teacher)