Head of Year 7

2024 Year 7 Orientation Day and First Aid Training

2024 Year 7 Orientation Day

On Wednesday, 29 November, we welcomed the Class of 2029 for their Orientation Day. With students from over 30 primary schools, there was a lot of nerves and excitement. Upon arrival, our incoming Year 7 students were sorted into their Houses and it wasn't long before they started to form new friendships.

Xanten House
Prémontré House
Magdeburg House
Tongerlo House
Kilnacrott House
Xanten House
Prémontré House
Magdeburg House
Tongerlo House
Kilnacrott House

We managed to squeeze a lot into one day, with students spending the majority of the day with their Heads of House and incoming Year 12 Captains. They toured the campus, learnt how to use their combination lock and participated in a number of activities, before finishing the day in the Xanten Theatre for a concert. 


The transition to secondary school can be daunting, but I hope that after spending the day with us, students are feeling a little more confident for the year ahead. It was a wonderful day and I'm looking forward to formally welcoming the Year 7 cohort in 2024.

First Aid Training

During Independent Learning Week, our Year 7 students participated in First Aid training. In their classes, they joined a representative from St John to learn how to save a life. They worked through the process step by step, learning who to call in an emergency, how to perform CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). 


These important skills can be the difference between life and death, and I thank the students for their attentiveness during the training. 

Mrs T La Vanda

(Head of Year 7)