Deputy Principals

Mr Peter Hawke , Mr Rod Dowling and Miss Carrol Abel

End of Year Reports

Years 10-11 students have already been given access to their end of year reports. Students in the remaining years will receive their reports mid-next week. The report provides students and parents with information about their subject achievement, academic progress, learning behaviours and provides an understanding of their achievement in relation to the rest of their year group both at the College and across the state. State grades are awarded in subjects that are run in ability streamed classes. As Year 7 classes are not streamed, there are no state grades awarded as the College grade is the state grade.


Whilst there are no parent/student/teacher interviews linked with these reports, they still provide an excellent opportunity for students to reflect on their academic progress this year and identify areas to focus on next year. Ideally, this would involve a discussion between students and their parents when they receive their report which could then be revisited immediately before the start of the 2024 academic year. We all like to set new year resolutions around this time and so reflecting on the report gives students the opportunity to set academic resolutions for the new school year.

Booklists and Class Allocation

In the coming days, Years 7-9 students will receive a copy of their class allocation for 2024. The decision to place students in the different ability streamed classes is done in consultation with the subject teachers and the Head of Learning Area. The allocation of elective subjects, however, is based upon the preferences that the students submitted through SSO in Term 3. Should any student in Years 8-10 wish to select a different elective, they will have the opportunity to do so at the start of the new school year. Changes, however, will only be permitted based on class numbers and whether the request fits the existing timetable.


The 2024 booklists are available to download below or through the College website and SEQTA (see 'Documents' section). Orders lodged by Friday, 15 December will not be charged for delivery.



Students experience a mixture of emotions when the texts and supplies arrive for the new school year. For some, it's a reminder that the holidays are winding up and that school will start again soon. For others, there is a sense of excitement of returning to school to continue their learning journey alongside their friends. Either way, it is a good practice for students and parents to sit down together and look through the books and explore the topics and concepts that lie ahead. Studies have shown that this simple activity can have a positive impact on both the students learning and any lingering nervousness they may have for the coming school year.

Mr P Hawke 

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)

2024 OLNA Assessment 

Students who have not pre-qualified in reading, writing or numeracy are required to sit the corresponding component/s of the OLNA. Students will have up to six opportunities before completing Year 12 to demonstrate the WACE minimum standards of literacy and numeracy. The table below shows when students can sit the OLNA in 2024 and more details will be provided next year:

Term 1

Weeks 1.5 – 1.6

Monday, 26 February - Friday, 8 March

Years 11 and 12

First sit for the year.

Term 2 Window A

Weeks 2.2 – 2.3

Monday, 22 April - Friday, 3 May

Year 10 

This is considered their second sit for the year as they have done OLNA in Year 9.

Term 3 Window A

Weeks 3.2 – 3.3

Monday, 22 July – Friday, 2 August

Years 11 and 12 

Second sit if students have not demonstrated the standard.

Term 4

Weeks 4.3 – 4.4

Monday, 21 October - Friday, 1 November

Year 9

This will count as one of their two Year 10 opportunities to sit.

For more information about OLNA, please refer to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) website.

Mr R Dowling

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)

Year 10 News

Last Tuesday, we farewelled our Year 10 students as they embarked on Christian Service Learning and Work Experience. We celebrated a lovely Mass with Fr Peter Joseph, O Praem to give thanks for the year before heading to the Xanten Theatre for their final assembly. We farewelled students who will not be returning next year and acknowledged students for their good works. In particular, we presented Australian Defence Force (ADF) awards to two very deserving students.


The ADF 2023 Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award acknowledges a Year 10 student who demonstrates leadership and teamwork at school and in the wider community as well as strong values, such as doing their best, respect for others and mateship - values considered integral to both the ADF and Australian society. The recipient of this award, Jacob Andrews, has contributed to the College in many ways. Jacob has shared his musical talents as a member of the College Jazz Band and College Chorale and has displayed his sporting talents at the ACC Cross Country and was crowned Year 10 Champion Boy for Inter-House Cross Country and Inter-House Athletics. He also participated in the Kimberley Immersion, providing service to the community. Congratulations, Jacob!


The ADF 2023 Future Innovators Award acknowledges a Year 10 student who demonstrates innovation in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Congratulations to the recipient of this award, Gyanbi Shrestha. Throughout the year, Gyanbi has received awards for academic distinction and academic excellence in Business Management & Enterprise and Career & Enterprise. At Presentation Night, she received the Parent Committee Leadership Award along with the subject awards for Business Management & Enterprise, Career & Enterprise and Engineering Studies. She has also participated in the Tournament of Minds, Australian Maths Competition and Australian Geography competition. Congratulations, Gynabi!

Well done and thank you to all of our Year 10 students. To those who are not returning next year, we wish you all the best for the future.

2024 Commencement Dates

Please see below commencement dates for all year groups:

  • First Day (Year 7, new Year 8-10 and all Year 11-12) - Wednesday, 31 January.
  • First Day (Year 8-10) - Thursday, 1 February.

Please see the below Important Dates page, as it will appear in next year's Student Diary.


2024 New Students

A reminder to families to organise uniforms and purchase and image laptops before the commencement of the school year. Laptops can be dropped off before Monday, 11 December or after Wednesday, 3 January. As Administration will be closed until Tuesday, 9 January, please contact IT on 0438 260 058 when you arrive. Families will receive a link to a video with instructions on how to use the MacBook. Please refer to the booklet from the Information Night in September.

Uniform Expectations

A reminder that students commence Term 1 in full summer uniform. Students have growth spurts during the holidays, so please check uniforms in advance to ensure any items needing to be replaced are done so before school commences. Please refer to the Notices and Reminders page for the Uniform Shop holiday trading hours. To comply with the College's high standards and expectations, any changes to hair, piercings, eye lashes, eyebrows and nails will need to be rectified before returning to school. Boys will also need to ensure they are clean shaven.

Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)