Prémontré Library

Book Tastings, Tim Thomas Incursion and Christmas Cheer

Book Tastings

In Week 4.8, students enjoyed lunchtime 'book tastings' in the Prémontré Library. They had the opportunity to review our new books (the main course) in between enjoying a juice (the entrée) and marshmallows (the dessert).

Tim Thomas Incursion

We were also fortunate enough to welcome Tim Thomas, the owner of Dymocks, Subiaco in Week 4.8. Tim helped two Year 8 classes reestablish their excitement for reading by delving into characterisation.

Christmas Cheer

As we entered the season of Advent, the Prémontré Library transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Adorned with Christmas cheer, a display of books telling the story of Christ and Christmas was front and centre.

Mrs K Marsh 

(Teacher Librarian)