Careers and VET

Career Exploration Day

Careers Day

Last Friday, 1 December, our Year 9 students participated in a Career Exploration Day. These excursions were designed to immerse students in different career possibilities and stimulate their thinking about post-school options. The aim of the day was being open to new information and opportunities.


Students were able to nominate their preferred destination, with some attending Curtin University and others North Metropolitan TAFE. At each location, they explored the facilities and participated in different activities and lectures.


To continue the discussions about future course and career options, a series of career development workshops were run for students in class on Monday, 4 December. This is just the start, with more to come in Year 10.  A copy of the workshop notes and resources was sent to all Year 9 students and parents via Direqt Message.


I'd like to note that everyone has access to the St Norbert College Careers website which contains a wealth of information too.

Mrs K Gonsalves

(Head of Careers and Transition and Student Representative Council Co-ordinator)