This week at OSHC we are exploring origami! Origami has always been popular at OSHC and so we will be making animals, paper planes, fortune tellers, stars and more! We are looking forward to seeing the children's creations. 


Just a reminder that 2024 enrolments for preppies and anyone wishing to enrol their child/ren in our OSHC program are open now!

All enrolments must be completed online. There is a link to the Xplor enrolment on the Ringwood North Primary School website. On the right hand side of the homepage click on the OSHC Enrolment tab and it will take you straight to the Xplor enrolment form.


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!


Our mobile number is: 0419 511 018

Our email: oshc@ringwoodnorthps.vic.edu.au

The OSHC room is located at the end of the top staff carpark if you would like to chat to us in person!


Judy, Georgia & OSHC Team  

0419 511 018


  • A friendly reminder for booking your child into OSHC: Please be aware that OSHC bookings have a cut off time of 8pm Friday when booking for the following week. Any bookings made over the weekend will only be accepted in emergency situations. Thank you for your understanding.

Updates to Parent Payment Cylces in My Xplor and Changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Please refer to the attached letter for details regarding these changes.


Any queries please contact Ricarda Lillis or Judy Miles on 9876 3411.


Team Kids