Student Wellbeing & Engagement

Breakfast Club

Our morning breakfast club continues to be a huge success on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:15am. We were excited to be able to provide our year 12 students with pre-exam fuelling prior to their English exam. Special thank you to our Wellbeing and Food Technology team for all your support throughout the year. 


ABCN Program

Throughout the 2023 academic year, our school has been partnering with the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) to run mentoring programs aimed at developing our students’ leadership and team-building skills as well as critical/innovative thinking skills.


On Tuesday 14th November, two groups of Year 9 and 10 students had the pleasure of working alongside mentors from Vocus (NBN provider) and the Commonwealth Bank to participate in the Future Thinkers and Interview 2 Impress programs, respectively. As part of the program, students travelled to the CBD and spent the day in a corporate environment, participating in a number of skill-building activities. Students were also provided an opportunity to learn more about their mentors, particularly their educational experiences and career trajectories. 


Overall, it was a great day enjoyed by all. The mentors involved in both programs were thoroughly impressed with the level of maturity and engagement shown by our brilliant and talented cohort. We hope to run more ABCN programs in the 2024 academic year and highly recommend students volunteer for these opportunities as they arise!


Sonia Ataide

Leading Teacher - Student Wellbeing and Engagement