
Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias!


This term, as part of our unit of work ‘La Mia Nazionalita’/ My Nationality, the children have been learning about different countries from all over the world. We have looked at their traditional food, music, clothing and landmarks. Students have enjoyed learning about the culture, language and geography of many countries. 

Leroy, Aaron and Collin 5M
Olivia and Amy 3J
Rithvika, Violet and Aarika 5M
Andy and Ryan 5M
Hailie 3J
Clementine, Aadiya and Hazel 2B
Ledio and Marcus 2M
Violet and Ashley 3J
Leroy, Aaron and Collin 5M
Olivia and Amy 3J
Rithvika, Violet and Aarika 5M
Andy and Ryan 5M
Hailie 3J
Clementine, Aadiya and Hazel 2B
Ledio and Marcus 2M
Violet and Ashley 3J

Year 5 and 6 students have been researching their country of origin, other students’ family’s country of origin and made links between Australia and many other countries. At the beginning of the term we learnt about continents, maps and flags. This week students have completed their country research topic and are creating posters for our upcoming “International Day” event. Students are learning many interesting facts and developing a deeper understanding of their chosen country’s culture, language and geography. Fantastico!


Year 3 and 4 students have been researching basic facts about their chosen country. They also learnt the names of some countries in Italian to add to their graphic organiser and poster. This week, students have been reading their Italian sentences about the country they were born in, and the country their family members have arrived from. Students have enjoyed presenting their new expert knowledge of their chosen country, to their partner.

Year 1 and 2 students have also been learning about language, culture and geography of some countries around the world They have enjoyed creating their Travel Diary book, where the focus was on a different country every week. This week we learnt about ‘Francia’ and its location, map, food and famous landmarks. The students have also been practising songs about countries and continents. 


Foundation students have loved reading about Felix the rabbit and his adventures all over the world.  They wrote an Italian sentence about where Felix was. This week Felix was in Africa. Students drew African animals and coloured in the Kenyan flag. Ben fatto Foundation! 


The whole school event this term is International Day – scheduled to be held Thursday 7th of December.


We ask that families put their creative hats on and start thinking about costumes for the day. Children are encouraged to come dressed representing a country, cultural dress or flag colours. In the past, we have had traditional costumes from varies countries, cultural hats, t-shirts and worn colours representing a country’s flag. 


Looking forward to an exciting day which will include two music and dance rotations, a performance in the hall and class activities.



Sabina Harrington