Mission & Religious Education News
FAQs! Why do we pray the Rosary?
One might look upon the Rosary as a precious heirloom passed down through generations of our faith family. Essentially, it is a simple, repetitive prayer by which we reflect on the life, death, and glorification of Christ through the eyes and heart of his mother, Mary. According to a tradition that dates back to the 15th century, St Dominic founded the devotion to the Rosary. Other evidence, however, suggests that it developed gradually, especially under the influence of the Cistercian and Dominican religious orders. The Rosary is one way we can prayerfully contemplate the mysteries of our faith.
Please note a change of dates for the Term 4 Cornerstones sessions. They are now November 9 and 15.
Please fill in the google form here to indicate your preference.
Upcoming Feast Days
October 24 - Saint Anthony Claret
October 28 - Saints Simon and Jude
November 1 - All Saints
November 2 - All Souls Day
Laudato Si
School staff are invited to share your experiences of how you are addressing organic waste challenges in your school:
Sustainable Schools NSW is seeking input from teachers across NSW about how they are addressing food and organic waste challenges in their school. Teachers' feedback will inform recommendations to the NSW Environment Protection Authority about resources and projects that could support school communities to reduce and effectively manage organic waste. If you would like to provide some reflections on the challenges and successes of this topic, or if you have ideas for change, please complete this 10 minute online survey or register for an online afternoon teacher forum.