Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk


Boarders End of Year Dinner 2023

I am pleased to thank parents, Executives, Heads of House, and all boarders for their attendance at the Boarder's End of Year Dinner last week. With 22 Year 12 boarders being celebrated and formally farewelled, over 40 parents were able to celebrate together and enjoy this milestone event. It was overwhelmingly pleasing to see each Year 12 step up to the lectern and speak. As a new initiative for 2023, we all could not be prouder of each boarder publicly speaking so confidently. This notable highlight showcased our boarders with their heartfelt, genuine, and respectful reflections. 


Once again, thank you to all parents who attended, and I hope those who were unable to attend viewed the event on our live link. 


A successful event such as this doesn’t simply happen overnight, and I extend my thanks to our kitchen, administrative, maintenance, and marketing teams. 

The Anita Macdonald Award for 2023

We congratulate a very worthy recipient of this year’s The Anita Macdonald Award, Charlie Duver. Charlie has been an outstanding boarder, and we could not be more pleased to announce Charlie as this year’s recipient. Congratulations Charlie.


I am grateful and honoured, and a little bit shocked that I have received The Anita McDonald Award. Upon the brief reflection, it reminded me as a shy Year 7 student who first walked through the College doors to the confident individual standing here; this journey has been shaped by the support and encouragement of my fellow boarders, and the inspiring examples set by the past recipients of this award. I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has been a part of my experience. Each of you has played a role in shaping the person standing before you today. Thank you for this incredible honour and for being a part of my remarkable journey, which I will remember for the rest of my life.


Charlie Duver