Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle Sub School Manager
Welcome back to the new school year!
There have been a few changes in the Middle Sub School this year. The relevant key staff are below.
Middle Sub School Leader Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle School Attendance Officer Anna Dementiev
Year 9 Coordinator Moira Nunn
Year 9 Assistant Coordinator Jack Lamond
Year 10 Coordinator Luke Sharp
Year 10 Assistant Coordinator James Allen
All students should now be prepared for the school year ahead. We have covered all expectations about being prepared for classes and a successful day by wearing the correct uniform to school. This alleviates the negative conversations with staff and allows more positive interactions to occur throughout the day. There is a lot happening in the first few weeks of school so please make sure you are checking Compass regularly and keeping up to date with all announcements.
Middle School Boxing Program
The Boxing program has returned this year with Steve and Lena providing a group of students with the opportunity to improve their mental well-being and stay active with boxing. The program will run for all of term one every Monday, and we will look to continue the program into term two and hopefully add some more students.
Year 10 Life Changer
This Thursday during Period 5 and 6, the Year 10s will be involved in a session run by Life Changer. Life Changer is a locally funded program that work with schools around Australia on engagement, wellbeing and other issues young teenagers will encounter during Secondary School. More information can be found on their website
Year 9 Morrisby Careers Profiling
Consent forms are now due for students to enrol into the Morrisby profiling. These need to be finalised to allow students to complete the program.
My Career Insights is a program for all Year 9 students in government secondary schools. This program is designed to:
- Learn about what skills and abilities they could bring to a job
- Find out about what jobs match their abilities, interests and personality, and the subjects they need for those jobs.
As part of the program students will:
- Complete a series of online quizzes at school
- Receive a Morrisby Profile Report showing their results
- Have a 30-minute meeting with a Career Practitioner, who will unpack the report with the student
Further information is available at: